DATA RECOVERY: Recommendations for multi-user setup for Reckon Accounts business range (desktop)

Datarec Reckon Staff Posts: 1,281 Reckon Staff
edited December 2019 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)

Consider how your network is set up as this affects how Reckon Accounts needs to be configured.

  • For a Client/Server network – only the File Server is hosting multi-user access through the Database Server Manager.

  • For Peer-to-Peer networks – only the host PC is hosting multi-user access.

Confirm that your set up follows the recommendations in this guide.

Guides on installing Reckon Accounts Business in the Multi-user environment

In-product help has useful information.

Click on the Help menu

Select Reckon Accounts Help

Click on the Search tab

Enter the key phrase "About mult-user Reckon Accounts"

Review the following support articles and knowledgebase articles.

Host Multi-user access and Database Server Manager (DBSM)

Here are some relevant support articles.

Configuring my firewall/antivirus to work with Accounts Business in a multi-user environment

How to improve the performance of your QBI company file

Installing, Updating and configuring Reckon Accounts In windows server (terminal server)

Reckon Accounts cannot reach the server on that computer (H202)


Data Recovery Team


  • Orkun Evren
    Orkun Evren Member Posts: 41 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited December 2019
    Does this mean that if you had a secondary pc ( one of the workstations ) in a set up of 8 workstations and a dedicated server, set up to host also as a back up if the server went down, there could be conflicts ?

    We have the above set up with a couple of computers set as backups just in case but we consistently have issues with error messages unless the admin pc logs in first. If the admin logs in they all go straight in but if any of the work stations tries to log in we get an error message, something about the file server. Haven't paid much attention to the error as we just ensure we log the admin in first but it would be handy to fix the issue.
  • Datarec
    Datarec Reckon Staff Posts: 1,281 Reckon Staff
    edited October 2019
    You need to set it up either as a Client/Server or as a Peer-to-Peer only.

    Trying to do both would likely result in conflicts.

    In-product help has useful information.

    Click on the Help menu

    Select Reckon Accounts Help

    Click on the Search tab

    Enter the key phrase Improve performance in multi-user mode

  • Orkun Evren
    Orkun Evren Member Posts: 41 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited October 2019
    Unfortunately we suffer lot of summer electrical storms here on the Gold Coast and lose our server for hours a time. We set up additional computers as host and run and our server just to host so that if the server is down we can still serve customers on workstations with ups set up.

    I have queried this in he past with tech support when calling about the logging in problem and nothing was mentioned about conflicts. This has been our set up for the last 10-12 years.

    At times I will also take the company file home on my notebook and work on things over the weekend which would not be possible otherwise. So you are saying that this should not be done ? 
  • Datarec
    Datarec Reckon Staff Posts: 1,281 Reckon Staff
    edited October 2019
    Hi Orkun,

    Different situations may call for different configurations.

    If your current set has been running for quite some time and you are happy with it, then you may not want to make a change.

    When your server is running, ensure that NONE of the computers are setup as hosting multi-user (Peer-to-Peer).

    If your company data file is on a server and it goes down, where are you getting the company data file from?

    If you are comfortable moving files around, making copies of files, etc it is perfectly fine as long as you know which file is being used and no other users are trying to make use of any other copies of that file.

    Have all users logged off the data file and switch to single-user mode before you make copies to take home. Ensure no one else tries to open the data file that is on the server. Then when you come back from the weekend, replace the data file that is on the server with the newer/current file you had been working on.

    Backup regularly.
    Perform a file integrity check with complete verification (Verify Data / Rebuild Data) as part of the backup process.

  • Orkun Evren
    Orkun Evren Member Posts: 41 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited December 2019
    basically as our switch, router etc all goes down, we drag the file across to the backup pc and work on that for receipts etc. power can be down from minutes up to early this year days.

    Yes when the file is away we never work in multiple user. It has worked well for a backup for years but does pose this problem of logging in as admin first and then all the others

  • Nathan Elcoate
    Nathan Elcoate Accredited Partner Posts: 162 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited January 2020
    Hi Orkun, It's easy to switch the reserver server over to Host. In Reckon Accounts, open on the Reserver Host then go to File - Utilities - Host Multi User Access; then remove this again once the main server is coming back online. 

    I am on the Gold Coast and would be happy to discuss with you or assist in any way. 
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