Recon Accounts personal 2019-2020 opens to no screen
Brian Odgers
Member Posts: 1 Novice Member
Recon Accounts personal will not open , no phone support for this range!
I need techincal support as it opens but does not show the main display then its frozen and I have to use task manager to end task. Re-installed many times without change was told to upgrade to 2020 still no change . I suspect the data file i have restored a backup it worked for 2 weeks then the symptom reappeared. see attached screenshot
I need techincal support as it opens but does not show the main display then its frozen and I have to use task manager to end task. Re-installed many times without change was told to upgrade to 2020 still no change . I suspect the data file i have restored a backup it worked for 2 weeks then the symptom reappeared. see attached screenshot
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