Kronos Intergration

Andrew_10334162 Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
edited March 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
We use Reckon Accounts Desktop and are in the process of a build with Kronos to import employee times. We have been advised from Kronos that for each pay run we will be exporting from Kronos into Reckon accounts, and exporting leave accrual from Reckon into Kronos. Has anyone had any experience with importing and exporting with Kronos and Reckon? I'm curious what the potential is for errors and data mismatch, and how to overcome format differences between the two programs i.e Kronos accepts leave accruals by:

Employee ID: Time Off:             Date:                                                         Hours
   53                 Annual Leave:   balance up to date in format mm/dd/yyyy 71:29
   53                Personal Leave  balance up to date in format mm/dd/yyyy 24:51

Can Reckon export into this format?



  • cosmic
    cosmic Reckon Developer Partner Posts: 1,125 Reckon Legend Reckon Legend
    edited March 2020
    Hello Andrew,
    They should help you to modify in the format Reckon accepts , what you have now is US Format.
    OR you  need to build a tool to overcome this situation .
    This export in what is it happening its fiddly looks like , and may need more manual handling.
    Call me to discuss more if we could help you in this.
    Kronos is USA based software Offices here in AUS

    Cosmic Accounting Group

    Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009

  • PhuongDo
    PhuongDo Reckon Developer Partner Posts: 321 Reckon Legend Reckon Legend
    edited March 2020
    Hi Andrew,

    I haven't worked with Kronos before but as long as they provide some API (or file transfer) then what you want to do can be done.

    If you are interested in learning more, can you please contact me? My email is I would like to see what type of information you want to sync from Kronos into Reckon. I understand that you want to export leave accrual from Reckon to Kronos, which I believe it can be done.

    Re format differences, I don't think it would be a big issues, the only thing you need to take care of when doing integration is to be able to match employee records (and maybe payroll items) between the 2 systems.

    Let me know if you have any questions.



    Phuong Do / Reckon Developer Partner