Payroll item with GST

Barbara Allen-Guthrie
Barbara Allen-Guthrie Member Posts: 219 Reckon Star Reckon Star
edited April 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
I wish to create a Payroll Item which includes GST for repaying an employee for cabfares taken


  • Charley
    Charley Member Posts: 553 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited April 2020

    Barbara; you should keep it totally away from payroll. While you might have paid it with his pay it is neither an allowance or anything to do with his pay, it is in fact just a reimbursement for costs incurred. Effectively the best way to do this is to pay them separately in two payments and never through one payment.

    If you have done it this one time then run the two payments through a clearing account and then transfer the exact amount paid from the operating to the clearing account
  • Barbara Allen-Guthrie
    Barbara Allen-Guthrie Member Posts: 219 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited April 2020
    Thank you Charley when I ran the STP report I was thinking this would not be good to have a cabfare in here, so I will do as you suggest, appreciate that