JobKeeper top up

Dianne Poon
Dianne Poon Member Posts: 26 Reckoner Reckoner
edited September 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
I paid a couple of hours for a few employees in each of the weeks in the first fornight. We have then effectively closed business. Do I therefore have just one entry being the top up amount of $750 in their following payslips?


  • Simon Hutchinson_7077598
    Simon Hutchinson_7077598 Reckon Alumni Posts: 24 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited April 2020
    Hi Dianne,

    If the employees are completely stood down and not working, it is likely that their only pay is the $1500 per fortnight JOBKEEPER-TOPUP amounts. However it would be best to check this with your accountant and/or the ATO for your individual business circumstances.
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