increase super liability

Kerrie Cox_6962438
Kerrie Cox_6962438 Member Posts: 15 Novice Member Novice Member
edited July 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
We have a case where SGC has not calculated correctly due to the item "reduce super on salary sacrifice" was ticked in the employees file.
We need to pay an additional $1,634 in SGC (43 weeks at $38 pw short).
How do we do this so that STP gets this info and the payment summary is correct at EOFY?
An increase in payroll liability is not the answer. Reckon Accounts 2019 is our software.
Thanks in advance for your assistance. 
NB Dont let bosses fiddle with their payroll file.


  • John Graetz
    John Graetz Member Posts: 1,663 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited July 2020
    Kerrire  Without taking anything else into consideration, the quickest and easiest way to do this would be to change the value of the SGC in the next pay cheque detail section by adding the shortfall to the calculated amount. e.g. current pay value = $500 + $1,634 = $2,134.
    John L G
  • Charley
    Charley Member Posts: 553 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited May 2020
    And don't let bosses fiddle with you payroll file :-) Totally agree. Lock them out.
  • Kerrie Cox_6962438
    Kerrie Cox_6962438 Member Posts: 15 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited May 2020
    Thanks John. I will give it a go.