jobkeeper subsidy

Deb_8351604 Member Posts: 17 Reckoner Reckoner
edited May 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
I have registered for Jobkeeper and have now been told by my accountant that the second step is the application for the subsidy which will need to be done each fortnight.  This should be available via MyGov Business Portal or via Reckon ? I cant see any provision on either site how I can do this.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2020
    This content has been removed.
  • Di Smith
    Di Smith Member Posts: 9 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited May 2020
    Good morning Deb,
    Yes, it is a little confusing so here goes.

    Log into you business portal as you would normally do via ATO and your MyGovID.
    Once in look up the top of the screen, there is a banner about COVID-19, to the right of this is a button called View, click on this.

    You will see there is a 3 step process, Step 1 is the one where you enrolled and should be ticked
    Step 2 is where you will go now, this will put you into another screen which after reading you should click Next, this will lead you to the next screen which will allow you to confirm that you had x amount of employees for period 1 and x amount of employees for period 2 (you do not need to confirm names etc if you lodge you pay via STP.

    It will also ask you for what your income was in the preceeding month and what you anticipate your income will be for the next month.

    Once you have entered that information just continue on and confim the info you have provided and you are done.

    I saved and printed a copy of what I had done when I finalised - it will give you the option.

    Hope this is the info you are looking for, its pretty staright forward once you find out how to get in and realise that Step 2 doesnt require you to rergister employee information which is what I thought.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2020
    This content has been removed.
  • Deb_8351604
    Deb_8351604 Member Posts: 17 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited May 2020
    Yes have done all that just needed info on the next step that Di has answered.  thanks so much for your help :)
  • Deb_8351604
    Deb_8351604 Member Posts: 17 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited May 2020
    Thanks Di so much that is exactly what I wanted.  I was looking in the wrong place and just didnt see the button next to the banner !
    Many thanks :)
  • Diane W
    Diane W Member Posts: 41 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited May 2020
    I was the same Deb, got all the bits and pieces done but couldn't find a link in the ATO business portal to enter the data.  That was probably the most confusing and time consuming part, to find that the link was the actual covid-19 banner!  I didn't see a button beside it either. 
  • Deb_8351604
    Deb_8351604 Member Posts: 17 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited May 2020
    Glad Im not the only one!  Thanks again and have a great Friday :)
  • Riversands Wines
    Riversands Wines Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited May 2020
    Yes Deb like the others, totally confusing! Took me awhile to realise you have to click the "Identify" button on RHS of Step 2 screen. This takes you into lots of confusing circular links, but from memory I went into employers section. What is really confusing is there is nowhere obvious to enter directors/ trustee claim. The ATO informed they already have that, so the initial enrolment application must have covered that albeit with miniumal information provided! And be careful, once you submit, you can't get back in to make any changes.