Cosmic Bills
Member Posts: 26 Novice Member
Auto upload system for Accounts Payables.
After the covid working from home from Middle of March and just getting back to work finding our business has doubled in size I am currently 2 months behind in data entry.
I found Cosmic Bills via a google search and it has save my life. Very simple instructions to connect to your data file with online videos showing you just how to do it.
It was easier than setting up STP lol
I would like to recommended this to all data entry people to take away the stress of piles of paper work. I am such a happy user !!
Thank you so much.
After the covid working from home from Middle of March and just getting back to work finding our business has doubled in size I am currently 2 months behind in data entry.
I found Cosmic Bills via a google search and it has save my life. Very simple instructions to connect to your data file with online videos showing you just how to do it.
It was easier than setting up STP lol
I would like to recommended this to all data entry people to take away the stress of piles of paper work. I am such a happy user !!
Thank you so much.
Will check it out. Thank you0 -
Thanks Kaitlyn
Greatly appreciate for you great feed back.
We giving away 500 PDFs to scan Free.
Cosmicbills is almost available for support 7 days a week .
You can call me on 0407068942 for an new users .Cosmic Accounting Group
Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009
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Hi Kaitlyn
I agree with you. We also use classes to differentiate the different branches which is now a breeze. Used to take me 2 to 2.5hrs per week to enter invoice, with Cosmicbills this takes 30mins and the classes work brilliantly. It is value for money1
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