PAYG withholding

Felicity Bleckly_10462754
Felicity Bleckly_10462754 Member Posts: 43 Novice Member Novice Member
edited July 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
I have my payroll set up to post the PAYG withholding to the Liabilities PAYG withholding account. But in actual fact it is posting to the Liabilities ABN withholding account. I can't find anywhere where there is something which is causing this. any ideas?


  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,133 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited July 2020
    Go to your Payroll Item List - then double click on PAYG Tax item.... then click your way through to the second screen - under the Liability account - check/fix where it is linked to...