Welcome to the new Reckon Community!

Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
edited September 2020 in About Reckon Community

Hi everyone!

Its great to have you on the all new Reckon Community!

We've put in a lot of work into this new platform to enhance the experience for you, our members, to make it easier to engage with each other, obtain info and support.

If you're an existing member of the Reckon Community, please sign in with your existing account credentials. You'll be asked to set a new password at your initial login.

You might notice there are a few differences from the previous platform and it might take a little bit of time to familiarise yourself but if you have any questions, please let me know.

A few key things to note:

  • Your display name/user name may have changed. Our new platform requires unique user names so in the event that there are multiple members with the same name, the data migration has added a number to the end of your user name or reverted to your previous user name from the old platform. You’re more than welcome to change your user name in your Profile.
  • We've moved away from the current threaded post structure to a more linear quote and @mention feature which will make it easier to see who is being responded to.
  • Some categories have been changed or removed in an effort to cut down on some of the clutter from redundant product categories, outdated content and also to streamline navigation. 
  • Profile pictures: Your profile picture has reverted to a default one however you can add a new picture in your Profile.

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