Will QPW suffice as backup in Accounts Premier Desktop?

Our QPW files are over 1GB with over 10 years of data - the backup process is very slow taking about an hour so doesn't get done as often as it should.
The QPW file (and whole reckon directory) is on our server and the server is regularly backed up on and offsite - so i'm wondering if this is actually adequate as a backup or is there other info being captured in the QPB (backup) file that makes them a must for proper backups/restorations?
Would love an answer to this one too please, our file is large, and all of a sudden our scheduled backups have stopped working, be great to know that if we just backup the QPW file, that it is the same as a normal backup
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Yes, sometimes I keep a copy of the data file and also do a backup to another drive.
In an older version the qpw and qpb files were the same, so backing up the data file would be sufficient, although I don’t think it will contain the reports. I think they are stored in other files. Whereas backing up puts reports and data together.
‘I will stand corrected though as I am talking about a much older version.