Printer error
I am having trouble printing an invoice, the error message below appears and I am unable to cancel or close the invoice down - does anyone have any ideas of what I am to do?
Have you tried a different browser? Or maybe a different PDF program
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I cannot log out, disconnect or close this invoice down, it is frozen. I am going to disconnect and give it an hour and see if I can log back on.
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Hi Lee-Anne,
I'd recommend taking a look to see if there's a window or prompt that may have opened in the background and is awaiting action. Press ALT and PageUp to bring any windows in the background to the foreground.
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Hi Rav, thank you, this is what appeared when I did that
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Thanks for your help, all sorted now.
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How did you fix it? Might help someone else
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Used the control panel and logged off the remote session and started over again.
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Always a good thing to try with most issues
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