Does Reckon One email the User with the Timesheet Approver account when they are submitted?

Hi, I am trying to work out if Reckon One emails the Timesheet Approver User account person when a timesheet is submitted?
I assume that there can be more than one user account with Timesheet Approver but I can't find anywhere to set up an approver by employee, e.g. their Manager, or by Project, i.e. the Project Manager.
How do I know when timesheets are ready for approval?
Hi Chris,
Timesheets submitted by staff members are sent directly into the Timesheets view for the Admin user to then action/access. I've just checked with the Reckon One team in regard to notifications and there isn't a notification sent to the admin user at this stage. Certainly some value in that though which I've raised with the product manager.
I'm going to link some resources below which go through the process of timesheets with Reckon One from preparing the book to how to use timesheets and finally creating a payrun from timesheet information.
Preparing your Reckon One book for Timesheets
Tracking time with Timesheets in Reckon One
Creating a payrun from timesheets in Reckon One
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Also, our help guide on timesheets with Reckon One below as well -
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ok, thanks, approvals are a pretty fundamental part of timesheeting so it seems like a very obvious gap in the product. If it is set up then approvals should go to the owners of the project codes.
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Sorry I think I might have misunderstood you. Approving/declining timesheet functionality is already available (See info HERE). My earlier response was more focused around a notification that a timesheet has been submitted from a staff member.
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No, you didn't misunderstand, when a timesheet is submitted the Approver should receive an email notification so that they can go in and approve / edit / decline it. In addition Reckon should have the ability to assign an individual Approver to a project, i.e. the Project Manager so that they can manage their project timesheets