Import of Data Files

Meranda Member Posts: 2

Our company is looking to change to Reckon One for Accounts and Payroll.

Is there any ability to import from our existing system (csv or other format) to Reckon One a list of our Suppliers, Customers, Employees and their YTD values?


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 15,447 Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi there @Meranda

    If you'd like to make the move to Reckon One, we have a data migration service available which can help to take care of this. The data migration service brings over data from other accounting software over to Reckon One.

    There is quite a bit of data we bring over for free as part of the free migration offer we have, and for anything outside of that scope, the team will provide you a quote depending on what/how much data you're looking to transfer.

    You'll find details of the inclusions of our free migration offer here - 

    ℹ️ Stay up to date with important news & announcements for your Reckon software! Click HERE for more info.

  • Meranda
    Meranda Member Posts: 2

    Hi Rav

    Thank you for the set up migration information.

    As we have approximately 60 employees is there a way to import their time sheet data each week for processing payroll, or do I have to manually enter each person manually?

    As we have factory employees they don't sit at a computer to enter their times through out the day. Maybe you have a Clock In/Out app.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 15,447 Community Manager Community Manager

    The Track Time module for Reckon One allows employees to enter and track their work times, and have this flow directly into the payrun to calculate pay for the period. This way you don't have to enter it yourself manually.

    You can also enable timesheet approvals to ensure your timesheets are accurate. When your employees finalise their timesheet they submit it for approval. From there you can approve or decline it. You can also add a decline reason so your employee knows why it’s been declined and can correct their timesheet then submit it for approval again.

    I'll add some resources below which outline the Track Time options specifically for timesheets and also how it links with payroll -

    Setting up Timesheets

    Tracking time with Timesheets in Reckon One

    Creating a pay run from timesheet information

    ℹ️ Stay up to date with important news & announcements for your Reckon software! Click HERE for more info.