Can’t select downloaded QIF file with manual load
Hi, am using Reckon portal via safari on IPAD to reconcile accounts. I’ve downloaded QIF file manually.
Able to see the QIF file via in the manual load dialog box but file is greyed out and can’t be selected.
Can anyone help with this?
Hi @AArtWA
Just to clarify, are you using the Reckon One service or Reckon Accounts Hosted on your iPad?
Can you post a screenshot of the QIF upload option on-screen as you're seeing it now. Have you previously been able to upload QIF files using this method (Safari on iPad etc) successfully?
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Hi Rav,
Unsure if it’s service or hosted. I am loggin in via the website/portal and then launching the book.
Attached screen shot of the screen. I clicked on select file tab and can see the downloaded file but it is greyed out (won’t let me upload)
I’m new to Reckon and no not used via IPad or the software before.
Appreciate your assistance.
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Thanks for that @AArtWA
Hmmm ok, that's a bit odd. I'll try to do some testing on my end as well for this. In the interim however, and if you're able to, are you able to login on a PC and confirm if you experience the same behaviour there where you cannot select the QIF file.
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Unfortunately dont have access to a PC as mainly mobile hence keen to have this resolved.
Look forward to your result. Thanks Rav.
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Hi @AArtWA
I just ran through a couple of tests on my iPad Air (1st Gen, iOS 12.5.1).
I downloaded a QIF from CBA on the iPad, saved it and then logged into Reckon One on Safari to import it. Clicked the 'Select File' button and selected the QIF from its save location,
Once the file has been selected you should see the file name populate in the 'file to upload' field in your screenshot. However once that is done, you need to then press the 'Import the file' button which is on the top right (next to the 'Cancel button'). Once you do that then the file will import and the transactions will populate in your Reckon One bank transactions screen. I'll add a screenshot below which hopefully illustrates what I'm referring to.
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