Spam sent reqesting Bank info

Robert_6962320 Member Posts: 14 Reckoner Reckoner

This email below was sent to our customer on the 25th of March...It had all emai signaures correct indicating it was from one of our staff and the sending address was <>

could anyone shed some light or inform me if this is happening elsewhere. And how do we stop this happening.

Dear John,

After board meeting yesterday, We got an urgent notice that they have began our yearly auditing so the bank advised that the account details is due for routine auditing.

therefore, our usual account details cannot receive incoming international and local transfers; because the account is undergoing routine AUDITING. kindly inform when are you remitting the payment so we can send you our company subsidiary account details for payment ASAP.

sorry for the inconvenience this must have caused you.

I await your urgent reply.

Kind regards



  • Kris_Williams
    Kris_Williams Member Posts: 3,702 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert

    This is a problem I have seen before from an old desktop version of Reckon, I don’t believe it’s a Reckon problem it’s more a case of your email being hacked. You need to talk to your IT person I believe.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,615 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Robert

    From what I have seen in recent media reports, this has now become a more 'common' method of scamming where as Kris has mentioned, your email account has been compromised and sensitive information such as bank details are altered on an email.

    Unfortunately, there was a recent case of this where an elderly person was scammed out of a significant amount of money via a hacked email account.

    I'd highly recommend that you change all passwords and secure your email (and other) accounts, especially if you use the same or similar passwords for a range of services. It would also be a good idea to have a word with the authorities to report this.

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! 🎅🎆

    I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.

    If you're working through the holiday period, we've got support available and you'll find our holiday hoursHERE.

  • Robert_6962320
    Robert_6962320 Member Posts: 14 Reckoner Reckoner

    thank you for the feedback... Rav and Chris...i have to say its quite concerning as all indicators show it is from <> not from our own email addresses..

    How could this happen. Looking at it it has come from the reckon system not our gmail accounts.

  • Kris_Williams
    Kris_Williams Member Posts: 3,702 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert

    All emails that go out from Reckon Hosted show them as the sender to my knowledge, not the company email address

  • Robert_6962320
    Robert_6962320 Member Posts: 14 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Kris, really appricate your input........

    My understanding is, if it came or originated from our email it would have quoted our domain in the sender field.

    The email which recieved by our customer indicated it was sent/originated by <> ..i.e using the domain

    I would be interested in hearing from Reckon on this matter............BUT i can't wait 1 hour on the phone

  • Eric Murphy
    Eric Murphy Member Posts: 222 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Sorry to hear this happened to you.

    Spoofing email addresses pretty common in these scams so I wouldn't place any assurance that just because it's the Reckon email address that your email account hasn't been hacked. Especially if you've got records or emails that you use a particular service provider etc. These mugs are pretty patient and monitor your behaviour and services before they get the opportunity to strike.

    I'd be changing your password ASAP if you haven't already and talking to the police.

  • Kris_Williams
    Kris_Williams Member Posts: 3,702 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert

    When invoices or payslips e.g. are sent from Reckon Hosted the sender always shows the Reckon hosted email address, not the company o e

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,615 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Robert,

    From a Reckon perspective, we're happy to take a look at what we can on our end to verify whether the email came from within Reckon Accounts Hosted or not.

    To do this, we will need the original copy of the altered email sent as an attachment NOT a forwarded copy. This step is absolutely crucial as we cannot check anything with a forwarded copy or any other type of copy of it.

    If you're unsure of how to attach an email as an attachment, there are guides online depending on what email client you're using. I'll link one guide here as an example.

    If you're able to do the above, send it through to me at, ATTN: Rav and include the link to this conversation and your Hosted user name in the email.

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! 🎅🎆

    I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.

    If you're working through the holiday period, we've got support available and you'll find our holiday hoursHERE.