Payslip issue
I'm trying to email payslips to staff and when I select all names, nothing displays in the forms to send page. This has only happened since I upgraded to R2 new version.
Go into each employee and look for the section that says Email, Print or both. I select both
It's under the address and contact tab
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Double check that the bank account in the select forms page is the same account used for pays
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I was able to email payslips before I did the upgrade to the new version R2, so not sure if it's an issue with the upgrade?
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Did you look at the settings on each employee as I suggested? I have had no problem after I upgraded
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Yes I did, everything is set up correctly
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Ok sorry I have nothing else to suggest - I know it sounds silly but have you checked the dates in the email window, sometimes such a simple thing can be overlooked, I know that from experience
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And to add to what Kris has suggested, also check to make sure that the correct bank account has been selected, that is the one that you used when you ran the payroll. That is another thing that can go amiss if you have more than one bank account set up.
John L G
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I haven't changed any settings since the upgrade, it just has stopped working when I did the upgrade, before that I've been emailing payslips for years!!
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This has happened to us this week as well. Last week there was no problem. Payslips are there in the first window but when you click okay and the next window pops up there is nothing there to send.
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Hi Catherine & Shelly,
If the suggestions from our fellow Community members haven't worked out, I'd recommend reviewing the info and performing the steps in this help guide below -
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! 🎅🎆
I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.
If you're working through the holiday period, we've got support available and you'll find our holiday hoursHERE.
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Thanks I did find a comment regarding this. All fixed now
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