EOY Finalisation

GOC Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
edited January 3 in Reckon Payroll

Re Payroll APP 2020-21 Finalisation

First Issue is the Employees Summary Report displays correct totals for the the financial year.

When I run the EOY the "FY 20/21" summary for each employee's is incorrect - that is it has July's Pay Run values included twice.

Second issue the Declaration screen on my Samsung Android does not show a Submit option,

Any assistance would be appreciated



  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,378 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @GOC

    The Payroll Summary Report you generate in the app will show the total balance for an employee from ONLY the pay runs that have been created.

    The Pay Summary section in their profile however takes into account the total of pay runs + any initial YTD balance that was entered for the employee prior to any pay runs being sent for them. You'll be able to see any initial year to date balance for an employee in the 'Initial YTD' tab in their profile.

    In regard to the 'Submit' button not appearing on-screen, this may happen if you have display assist settings switched on in your phone eg. Zoom/Magnification/Increased Font Size/Display Accessibility etc.

    If you go into your phone settings and switch them off and reopen the Payroll App it should return to a normal view where you can access the options to proceed.

    Let me know how you get on.

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  • GOC
    GOC Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

    Thanks Rav - I've changed the font size to small and now I can see the EOY submit option.

    Re the EOY incorrect balance issue should I set the the values to zero ?


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,378 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Gary,

    No don't set the balances back to zero as that will wipe out any and all balances that you've submitted to date. Instead what you need to do is amend the balances so that they are in line with what they should be in reality.

    If you've recently migrated over from the STP app then what you need to do is head into the employee's profile, click Edit and then scroll over to the 'Initial YTD' tab.

    I'm going to give you an example below and you'll just need to apply it to your situation -

    An employee has 3 submissions which total

    • Total Gross = $20,000.00
    • Total Tax = $5,000.00
    • Total Super = $1,000.00

    The initial Year to Date balance entered for the employee is

    • Initial YTD Earnings - $30,000.00
    • Initial YTD Tax - $10,000.00
    • Initial YTD Super $5,000.00

    So when we combine these with the initial YTD amounts we get the following.

    • Earnings: $30000.00 + $20000.00 = $50,000.00
    • Tax: $10000.00 + $5000.00 = $15,000.00
    • Super: $5000.00 + $1000.00 = $6,000.00

    This is the balance that will appear in the Pay Summary section.

    Now if the desired result is for this employee's earnings balance to be $30,000.00 then you would need to enter the difference in the 'INITIAL YTD' screen ie. $30,000.00 - $20,000.00 = $10,000.00

    If the desired result is for this employee's tax balance to be $10000.00 then you would need to enter the difference in the 'INITIAL YTD' screen ie. $10000.00 - $5000.00 = $5000.00 and so on.

    Hopefully that makes sense and provides some direction on what you need to do. 

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