Import Tax Invoice data generated from Access program

I want to import invoice data that is currently copied from pdf and pasted into invoice.
Times spent on a client are recorded in Outlook Calendar. Once a month the info is exported to a csv file. A little Access program sorts them into clients and prints a report with one client per page. That info is then copied and pasted from the pdf reports into Reckon Accounts Plus (used to be QuickBooks SBS 2003).
I want my Access program to output an iif file to import into Reckon.
Only about 20 invoices per month, with about 5-30 lines per invoice. Takes a few hours to do manually each month.
Looking for advice. Mark
Hi Mark,
The recommended method is to make use of the Reckon SDK/API.
If your organisation has a team capable of developing your own in-house solutions, then they can use the SDK.
The Reckon Accounts software (desktop and Hosted) can also use IIF text format to import transactions such as invoices.
This is what the Reckon Point of Sale software uses to send invoice transactions to the Reckon Accounts software.
You can check the Help menu in Reckon Accounts.
Click on Help > Reckon Accounts Help.
In the Search Tab, type 'Import' then search.
You should see a guide on how to create the import file.
The following community posts may be useful for you.
Making use of 3rd party software or services is also a good alternative.
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