Accounts Home and Business and GST
Member Posts: 3 Novice Member
HI People,
I am having trouble with GST in Home and Business 2022
I am entering expenses and tagging GST in the T column. However it is tuning up in my tax control as a liability, this is the reverse of what I expected.
Any clues to my mistake?
When you pay it it will reverse it in the tax control account
Gerry id 6376
Gerhard Winter
Ph. 0418907140
Reckon Store Next Door
"Always at your Service"
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Hi Gerry,
I have nothing to pay I am due for a refund, even though it labels it a liability
Ian P
0 -
Let me have a look at your file, call me when you have time.
Gerry id 6376
Gerhard Winter
Ph. 0418907140
Reckon Store Next Door
"Always at your Service"
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