Chart of Accounts
Having difficulty changing Current Asset classification to a Fixed Asset classification in chart of accounts.
No drop down indicator to change?
Hi John
The 'account type' cannot be edited however the account can be deleted and recreated under the correct type.
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Hi John,
If your original Current Asset account does not have any transactions assigned to it, then as per Rav's suggestion you can delete it and create a new Fixed Asset type account.
If your original Current Asset account only has a small number of transactions present assigned to it, consider creating a new Fixed Asset account and edit each transaction present there so that you can re-assign them from the Current Asset account to the new Fixed Asset account, then you can delete the original Current Asset account or mark it as inactive/hidden.
If your original Current Asset account already has a large number of transactions present assigned to it, consider creating a new Fixed Asset account and use a Journal transaction to transfer balance from the original Current Asset account to the new Fixed Asset account, then you can edit the original Current Asset account and mark it as inactive/hidden so that you can still view the existing transactions.
Omar - Reckon Data Recovery Team
Data Services Tip - Try this first before requesting a data service
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