Payroll Reckon Accounts HostedAust - PaySauce

Could I please confirm it is only Reckon accounts hosted New Zealand that will be changing to PaySauce from the 01/04/2022.
Is there any plans to remove payroll for the Aust Reckon Accounts hosted?
Hi Megan,
We're excited to have partnered with PaySauce as it gives our NZ Reckon Accounts and Reckon Accounts Hosted users with a comprehensive payroll solution that is tailored specifically to NZ requirements. PaySauce is a best of breed payroll solution that is built specifically for the NZ market and is something we think will give our users a better experience when it comes to NZ payroll activities.
The PaySauce integration only applies to the New Zealand editions of Reckon Accounts Hosted and Reckon Accounts Business (desktop).
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@Rav Thank you for your quick reply.