I make payment for staff for 10weeks
but the YTD shows 11weeks total amount
I don’t understand
YTD means the total amount that I paid
is that right?
Thank you
@tinali It might be easier to answer your query if you provide some more detail on what sort of payruns you process from Reckon payroll app. If you are creating payruns for staff on a weekly basis from Payroll app then the YTD payrun for the FY should give you amounts equivalent of 10 weeks of payruns. Payroll app does not care about what amount you paid as it only keeps a record of what Payruns you created and submitted to ATO as STP reporting based on the payrun frequency you have setup.
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Hi @tinali
I'm assuming you're looking at the Pay Summary details in the employee profile, is that correct?
If so, then the balances you see there are comprised of a combination of all paid pay runs you have created that the employee is part of + any initial Year to Date balances that have been entered in their profile.
You'll find details of any initial Year to Date balances entered by selecting the 'Update initial Year to Date (YTD)' option. (Example screenshot below).
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I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.
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