Q Drive Clean Up

Julie C
Julie C Member Posts: 70 Reckoner Reckoner

When cleaning up the Q drive, is there a way to delete multiple files at a time? Holding the shift button to highlight multiple files doesn't seem to work.


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,738 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Julie,

    The Floating Toolbar explorer can only natively support selecting one file at a time unfortunately.

  • Julie C
    Julie C Member Posts: 70 Reckoner Reckoner

    Oh wow, that's really time consuming, thanks for letting me know Rav. Do you recommend clearing it regularly?

  • Bruce
    Bruce Member Posts: 446 Professional Partner Professional Partner

    @Julie C time consuming to clean up the Q drive, but going forwards you should never leave all your back ups on the Q drive.

    As a matter of principle you should never store back ups in the same place as your primary data. You should store them at a separate location - e.g. your computer or a portable hard disk.

  • Julie C
    Julie C Member Posts: 70 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thanks Bruce, it is mainly PDF file invoices, purchase orders and quotes I'm getting rid of