I have been locked out for trying to login too many times

Jean_10862158 Member Posts: 55 Reckoner Reckoner

Hi, I am sure I didn't make any mistake, but it kept saying either Username or password were incorrect. Eventually it said I did it too many times. So click on reset and it says it will email a link. It has been half an hour and there is no email in my inbox nor in spam folder. I was hoping to get up to date over the weekend.

What do I do now?



  • Jean_10862158
    Jean_10862158 Member Posts: 55 Reckoner Reckoner

    To add further, this has happened twice before that I remember, and it isn't until I phone support and they physically send a new password link email, then I get that email, but never the auto generated ones. Now I guess no-one is there to help so I am stuck for the weekend, and can't work.

  • Jean_10862158
    Jean_10862158 Member Posts: 55 Reckoner Reckoner

    I still can't login, so had to get a new user id & email created so I could keep working.

    It still says I am locked out of my original login, because of too many attempts, and if I click on Reset Password, it emails something but I never get it.

    How do I get this fixed please?

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Jean,

    Is there any chance you may have created the original account with an incorrectly spelled email address and therefore when you're now attempting to reset the password its sending the reset email to an email address that doesn't exist? (since it may be spelled incorrectly).

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Actually, I've just searched our system using the email address registered to your Community account.

    I can see there is an account under that email address which contains an old STP app registration and also a STP entity in GovConnect. I can however also see there is another account under a similar email address which contains a Reckon One book.

    I can't disclose what the email address is but its got the same business domain as what you're using for your Community account but leads with an individual's name. I know that's a bit cryptic but hopefully points you in the right direction.

  • Jean_10862158
    Jean_10862158 Member Posts: 55 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav, thanks for the reply. To answer queries.

    1. The old STP app is what I used when I used an old Reckon desktop without this facility. I have since been forced to upgrade the desktop, so I use that now for STP (for 2 employees), and now uses the GovConnect.
    2. The Reckon One is what our main employee uses out on the road, visiting customers. I set it up with both his and my email as administrators, but recently mine stopped letting me log in, after I had been doing so for about 7 months prior, which is why i got him to set me up as a user with a different email.
    3. Re the Community account, for this community, it is my login email that is used and that does not start with a person's name. The guy that uses Reckon One on the road, his email starts with his name. Both of us use the same domain name.

    Since i had this same email & password login since September 21, and I haven't changed it, then it should be correct on Reckon One system. The reason I don't get the reset password email, I think, is because it won't redirect. My admin. email address is an alias that redirects to the same email account as the one I use as a "user". That is - we have a domain name that includes email re-direction (but not hosting of email). I hope this makes sense. My new "user" email address contains our business name before the @ but the domain after @ is a popular online one. And because I received the Reckon One emails about setting up a new user, makes me think it is the redirection that is the problem.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Right ok, I see what you mean. You may be right in relation to the redirection aspect.

    Just as an experiment and this might be a bit left-field but are you able to add donotreply@reckon.com as a 'Safe Sender' if you have that function in your email service and/or add it as a contact in your contact list. I'm not sure if that will have any impact on getting the redirection but perhaps worth a try?

  • Jean_10862158
    Jean_10862158 Member Posts: 55 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thanks Rav, in my email account, all spam and first timers, goes into the spam folder, this I check several times a day, but this Reckon email for password reset goes to neither. I get other Reckon emails including the one from the Community to tell me you have posted a reply. I suspect it is something to do with the password reset security.

    I have finally phoned Reckon, and the service person sent a reset password email to me, and I did receive this and have fixed things up. However, the automated version to reset password will still cause a problem if it happens again.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hmm that's interesting. Our support utilise the same automated password reset service that you would on on the login page so in essence there shouldn't be any difference. I'm glad to hear you're back in and hopefully all is well from here but do let me know if you run into trouble with this again.