Employee not visible

System Member Posts: 259 Moderator Moderator
edited January 3 in Reckon Payroll
This discussion was created from comments split from: Super salary sacrifice not shown on the EOFY as deduction.


  • Franco
    Franco Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member

    HI RAV

    I understand that salary sacrifice is not showing up on EOFY BUT i have employee (me) that only had salary sacrifice all year and when i did the app update I no longer am visable in the (Employees in this EOFY report) sreen as so i have no option now to declaration.

    Please help


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,608 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Franco

    Just to clarify, do you mean the employee, you in this case, aren't appearing at all in the EOFY finalisation screen?

    Were you using a custom earnings item in your pay runs and more specifically, does the earnings item have 'tax applicable' ticked in its setup?

    The reason I'm asking this is, if an employee is not appearing in the EOFY finalisation at all, its more than likely because their earning items used in the pay run(s) haven't been set as tax applicable and therefore isn't a requirement for STP reporting.

    Can you please go into a pay run, check which earnings item has been used and then go into Settings ➡️ Earning items ➡️ Select the relevant earning item from the list ➡️ Check whether the 'tax applicable' option is ticked.

  • Franco
    Franco Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member

    HI THanks

    Yes im NOT appearing.

    I used bonus as the reletive earnings (as i did not know i could have used / made up "closely held employees"), I then did a salary sacrifice and paied it into super.

    In settings Tax applicable is set at Additional payment method A


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,608 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited July 2022


    So just confirming, these should have been normal pay/earnings for these pay runs rather than Bonus? Its best to get clarification on this if you're not sure on what to use as it can lead to issues later on such as at EOFY time.

    Bonus is not a pay item for use when you're reporting just normal pay, you should use 'Ordinary' earnings when it comes to creating pay runs for normal pay and STP.

    Can you do me a favour, if you check the Pay Summary tab in your employee profile, I'm assuming the gross pay, super, tax etc etc is displaying $0.00 is that correct?

  • Franco
    Franco Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member


    I did not use Ordinary as then i would have had to put in base rate hours work which did not reflect how much i was paying my self, i thought it was easier if at the end of the month if i had some money left i would put it down as bonus and salary sacrifices it into super. i do know what i did now.

    And YES all $0 BUT also INCLUDING Total dedutions $0 which should have been showing my superannuation amounts i have paid does it not.

  • Franco
    Franco Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member

    PS i now see i could have used Ordinary but did not know i could activate it i thought i only had the choices that where available at the time that was salary and a few more i now know i can change earnings items.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,608 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    What you need to do now to fix the employee's year to date balances and bring them to what they should be in reality to this point. You could do this by editing the employee's 'Initial Year to Date' section in the profile.

    Firstly, go into this employee's Pay Summary tab in their profile and review the balances that appear here for him/her. You've mentioned everything is $0.00 which is expected since the earning items you've used in your pay runs haven't been appropriate. You simply need to enter the total balance of earnings (use a tax applicable earnings item such as Ordinary earnings), tax, and super that the employee should be at currently.

    When you're entering the super in the initial YTD section, ensure that you enter this accurately by selecting the super salary sacrifice item along with regular super.

    I've created just a generic screen recording as an example of how to edit your employee initial YTD balance below -

  • Franco
    Franco Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member

    ONE more thing when I originally went to do the “end of financial year” MY name was there but I noted that it had $0 for superannuation and or deductions that is when I read your blog about first making sure the App was updated so I updated the App and then when I went back to check I no longer was there.


    Thanks for your help in this 

  • Franco
    Franco Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member

    OK I will try sorry for the last post i posted before i saw your post

  • Franco
    Franco Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member

    HI Rav

    OK cool

    I have a report and I have a gross amount but no salary sacrifice amount

    I am concerned that if I fill in the salary sacrifice section it will add that amount to the current total that I have already reported 

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,608 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited July 2022

    I'll do a check on that. Can you let me know the total amount of RESC that you're needing to report or have reported previously for the last financial year (2021/22) for each employee.

    Also, is there supposed to be any regular super?

  • Franco
    Franco Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2022

    HI Rav

    Sorry for the slow reply this is too upsetting and stressful to deal with while at work. I don’t know why I changed the way I did it in previous years I know I stuffed up.

     First question are we just able to fill in the running total for the year anywhere?

     I have 2 staff my wife and I

     As you know (c below) for me using Bonus as earnings I paid my self $1500 ($18000) a month, no tax, no super then proceeded to put $1500 ($18000) into salary sacrifice * 12.

     As for my wife ALSO used Bonus as earnings she was paid $4152.67a month, tax $498, NO super and $400 ($4800) salary sacrifice.

     Difference here my wife has a correct pay summary (with out the salary sacrifice showing)

     Below are the pay runs for the first month and each pay run is the same for 12 months.

    work your Magic 

    have a great weekend

  • Franco
    Franco Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2022

    Hi i note after posting i made a effort not to show our names but are mentioned in the statement are you able to delete the pic 

    All good i figured it out

  • Franco
    Franco Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning Rav

     Over night it became clear to me that your “New update” does not like $0 for gross wages. As you may recall before I updated the App it did generate a EOFY report for me it just did not show Salary scarify at superannuation. (it should be $0 gross, tax, RESC as I did not pay any). Just like my wife it shows gross and tax but no amount at superannuation as the report is not picking up Salary scarify paid.

     I can put down $1 (initial YTD) so a report will be generated BUT we can not confirm at the moment how much Salary scarify if any will be reported.

     Can confirm this on your end? 

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,608 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Franco

    We're starting to get into some specifics now when it comes to your pay runs etc which I'd rather not go any further with discussing publicly. I'm going to send you a Private Message shortly with some additional info and questions.

    Click on the 'envelope' icon in the top right corner to access your Private Messages on the Community.