Software down grade to cheaper option

Tony West
Tony West Member Posts: 26 Reckoner Reckoner

Hi to all.

We have recently sold a business where we employed a number of people.

We were useing Reckon Accounts Premier Edition (Desktop) but at $830.00 renewal we do not need this package any longer. I have been useing Reckon for many years and would prefer to stick to something I am familiar with.

We still have a second small business without any employees at all and I have been looking at Reckon Accounts Accounting (Reckon One)

Any advice or suggestions on which software package to use please?

Regards Tony


  • GerryWinter
    GerryWinter Accredited Partner Posts: 1,373 Personal Range Elite Expert Personal Range Expert

    If you want to stay with something you know it has to be Accounting not Reckon One.

    Gerry id 6376

    Gerhard Winter

    Ph. 0418907140

    Reckon Store Next Door

    "Always at your Service"


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,615 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Tony,

    Reckon One is a great solution for small business however it is a fairly significant departure in what you're accustomed to in Reckon Accounts when it comes to a technology, workflow and functionality perspective.

    What I'd recommend as a first step is to give Reckon One a test drive by taking up the free 30 day trial just to get a feel of how it works and whether it'll suit your needs/requirements.

    Please note as Reckon Accounts and Reckon One operate on vastly different technology platforms your existing data file will not directly upload to Reckon One but instead will need to go through a data migration process (unless you're looking to start from scratch).

    I'll link some resources below that might be useful -

    Reckon One

    Getting Started with Reckon One (how-to video)

    Data Migration

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! 🎅🎆

    I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.

    If you're working through the holiday period, we've got support available and you'll find our holiday hoursHERE.

  • Omar_ReckonLtd
    Omar_ReckonLtd Reckon Staff Posts: 81 Reckon Staff

    Hi Tony,

    If you have a Reckon Accounts Premier data file, it may be able to be downgraded to a format that is recognisable by the Reckon Accounts Accounting product via a Data File Downgrade service. (fees apply).

    Fill out the web form to request assistance and we will provide you with additional instructions.

    A data file downgrade from Reckon Accounts Premier to Reckon Accounts Accounting will enable all of the historical data to be present along with settings that are compatible between the Premier and Accounting products, also it will cost significantly less than a data file migration to Reckon One if you intend to have a large volume of historical data migrated.

  • Tony West
    Tony West Member Posts: 26 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thank you for the feed back

    Regards Tony