STP New Pay Event on same day submitted twice

DEB_10864055 Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member


I submitted an STP New Pay Event yesterday and realised today that I had made an error, so I re-did the pay cheques and lodged STP again today. However I submitted this using the same pay date as a New Pay Event instead of a Full File Replacement. I realised my error almost immediately but not sure if the incorrect categorisation requires fixing because the current YTD figures in STP are correct (I was worried that it would be picked up as two pay events made on the same day). I phoned the ATO to ask for their advice and was told it may not be a problem but it may be best to submit an Update Event (which would effectively mean lodging a 3rd file for yesterday's pay event). Given the YTD figures are correct I'm not confident that this is the correct thing to do, so would like to check if anyone within the community has experienced this themselves and knows how it should be handled.

Thank you.



  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Deb,

    As you've noted the Year to Date balances are correct which is due to STP being reported on a Year to Date basis only rather than individual pay balances.

    You won't need to do anything further to 'correct' the balances as they're already correct.

    Just for future though, if you need to make corrections/adjustments etc you can either create an Update Event to correct misclassifications or a Full File Replacement if the last successful submission is catastrophically wrong. I'll add some info to both below -

  • DEB_10864055
    DEB_10864055 Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member

    Thank you Rav for the detailed response. It's good to know I need take no further action on this occasion.

    Kind Regards,
