NEED HELP: How to Process Payroll via Bank Payments
We tried processing a payroll credited directly to the employee's account, but we are getting this error that the available balance of the bank is not enough/sufficient.
We have checked the balance of the bank and it has enough funds to cover the employee's payroll.
You've got $466 in the account and you're trying to put through a payment of $1534. Clearly there isn't enough in the account to cover this.
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There is over $6000 in the account. See screen shot. We have PLENTY of money in the account. Reckon one is showing a false balance of our company bank account!
Admin EDIT: Screenshot removed.
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I think there's a bit of confusion here. Reckon One does not link with your account held at your bank/financial institution so it won't show a real time balance of funds sitting at the bank.
The bank accounts page shows a representation of the bank accounts you have added to Reckon One which you can then use for your various accounting transactions and bank reconciliation performed in Reckon One.
There's more general info on bank accounts in Reckon One below.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! 🎅🎆
I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.
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