Adjust final STP

megan_10040714 Member Posts: 102 Reckoner Reckoner


We have need to change two employees final STP figures for 2022. Do we need to create an new final STP file for all employees in Reckon?

On the Reckon portal do we select - update a previously completed ATO submission or Finalize year.



  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,719 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    If you've made the necessary amendments to the employee balances you'll need to create and send through a brand new EOFY finalisation.

    In GovConnect you'll need to select the 'Finalise Year' option when sending through an EOFY finalisation.

  • megan_10040714
    megan_10040714 Member Posts: 102 Reckoner Reckoner

    @Rav thank you

    I confirm, we will need to submit for all employees again.
