When I do my weekly payruns, the super is not calculating at all, can anyone help me please?
@Barb could be several reasons - some that come to mind are assuming the weekly payruns are for the current FY 2022-23.
1) the employee is under 18 years and may not have reached the 30 hours work limit for super deduction.
2) you have chosen a customised Earnings amount where the super calculation is disabled.
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Hi Barb
As @swakhlu01 . has mentioned above also, I'd recommend checking whether the pay item you're using has been configured to calculate super.
This is particularly important if you're using a custom pay item and/or a pay item that has not been setup as Ordinary Time Earnings.
To check your pay items go into Settings ➡ Earning items ➡ Select the earnings item from the list ➡ Confirm whether super has been selected to calculate on the pay item.
Example screenshot below.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! 🎅🎆
I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.
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