Super calculated wrong on the wages report for the month

mel_10460334 Member Posts: 77 Reckoner Reckoner
edited January 3 in Reckon Payroll

Hi I have noticed that one of my employees super for the month has not been calculated correctly whilst the other one has and i havent done anything different how can this be fixed?

ALSO when creating a pay run i always have to select the day after the pay date and then go back and fix it it will not let me just select the correct pay date


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @mel

    I have noticed that one of my employees super for the month has not been calculated correctly whilst the other one has and i havent done anything different how can this be fixed?

    Can you give me a bit more info on the above, specifically what aspect of super has calculated incorrectly? Which pay items have you used for each employee in the pay run? Do they differ between each employee?

    Are you using any custom earning items for the employee whose super isn't correct and if so, has that earnings item been ticked to calculate super in its setup?

    Are you using the latest version of the app? Currently v2.24.45

    If you can let me know more info about the issue you're experiencing with super that would be great 🙂


  • mel_10460334
    mel_10460334 Member Posts: 77 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi rav thanks for getting back to me yes I am using the updated version i have checked last months super for the employee in question and it is correct for some reason it is September that hasnt been calculated at the 10.5% on the gross amount

    ALSO when creating a pay run i always have to select the day after the pay date and then go back and fix it it will not let me just select the correct pay date

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    What did the September pay run calculate the super at if it wasn't the 10.5% rate?

    Are you using a custom earnings item or the default Ordinary earnings item? If its a custom earnings item, has it been set up to calculate super? You'll find this in the custom earning item setup screen.

    Was the super rate changed from the default 10.5% rate in that pay run? You can check this by switching the pay run back to draft and reviewing the earnings and super you've entered. As an example, below is a screenshot from my test account where you'll see I've changed the super rate for my employee in this specific pay run from the usual default to 8%.

  • mel_10460334
    mel_10460334 Member Posts: 77 Reckoner Reckoner

    hi rav I did what u suggested and have looked at all the pay runs in september and they say the correct amount of 10.5% however when i look at the report for that month it is out by $52.00

    do i mark those pay runs again as paid so it says done?? just i wont resubmit them to the ato?

  • mel_10460334
    mel_10460334 Member Posts: 77 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited October 2022

    hi rav I have found the problem one of the custom earnings has not calculated the super on it hence in the incorrect amount how can i fix this please

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Mel,

    Have you corrected the setup of that custom item to now calculate super?

    If not, you can edit its setup and tick the option for it to calculate super guarantee and/or salary sacrifice. See screenshot example to the left.

    In regard to the existing pay runs that have already been created without super, you'll need to edit those pay runs and remove that custom item from it. Once that is done, you can either re-add the same earning item that you've now edited to calculate super or use a different earning item eg. the default ordinary earning item for example and it will then calculate super.

    Once you've saved the pay run you'll need to send an adjustment to the ATO as an STP submission.

    I'll link a full walkthrough video on how to edit existing pay runs and sending an adjustment below

  • mel_10460334
    mel_10460334 Member Posts: 77 Reckoner Reckoner

    hi rav I watched the video link you sent me however it does not cover how to change the super on an customised item which has only been used in one pay run.. In order to find the mistake i reverted back to draft all 4 pay runs for the month of september. So what happens with the other 3 pays that are coreect and how do i fix the pay run in question


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Mel,

    You can change the custom earning item to include super calculations by editing it. Check out my screenshot in my previous reply above.

    To edit an earnings item go to Settings âž¡ Earnings items âž¡ Select your custom earning item from the list âž¡ Edit âž¡ Tick the "Include in super guarantee calculation" and "Include in salary sacrifice for super calculation" options âž¡ SAVE.

    In regard to your pay runs that you've switched to draft status, after you've edited your custom item to now include super you'll need to correct/edit those pay runs. (Ensure that you've edited the earning item from the steps above first). Since they're now in draft status and from you've told me so far, all you need to do is remove the existing earning item from that pay run and then re-adding it so that super calculates in the pay run.

    I've put together a screen recording below which might make it easier to understand, however its just a basic example so please use your discretion for your own requirements.

  • mel_10460334
    mel_10460334 Member Posts: 77 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited October 2022

    hi rav im with the other pay runs to put them back into done i have resubmitted them saying they are an adjustment even though they are correct have managed to change the custom earning did not realise this had to be done on a laptop is this correct? the correct pay runs that were resubmitted wont be duplicated?