STP says "success" when upload but then there is nothing to submit, it is blank, help please?

Sharlien Member Posts: 20 Reckoner Reckoner
edited November 2022 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)

Hello - my client is using Reckon Accounts 2022 "Enterprise" he called it, I believe it is the desktop version (as we cannot log in to it online). He is uploading his .jos files to GovConnect and they say "success" but then there is nothing below to be submitted, see picture below. I read another post on this community that said they had to select a different product in settings, so my client tried ticking "on" every single option but it still did not work. What option should my client be selecting in order to fix this problem please? I beleive he originally had it on the "desktop" option before selecting all to see if that would help. Any other tips for what it might be if not that? Thank you! :-)


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,738 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Sharlien

    Reckon Accounts Enterprise is indeed one of the desktop editions of Reckon Accounts. You've created this post under the Payroll Premier category though which is a completely separate/unrelated software just to confirm, this is related to Reckon Accounts correct?

    Also, has your client ever been able to successfully upload any STP files to GovConnect or is this the first attempt in doing so?

    What type of STP file is being created in the software ie. a normal pay run, update event, End of Financial Year finalisation, full file replacement etc AND which upload option is being selected in GovConnect?

  • Sharlien
    Sharlien Member Posts: 20 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav

    Sorry, first time user of this forum I didnt realise i was under payroll premier, I was just looking for someone who had the same problem, you have now seen my comment on that prior post. Yes, definitely related to Reckon Accounts Enterprise desktop.

    Client has NEVER been able to lodge STP, or rather he has been lodging and seeing "success" and thinking that meant he was doing it right, until I told him ATO is saying he's not lodging at all.

    Just normal payruns are being created, I believe weekly or fortnightly. Sorry what do you mean by "which upload option is being selected in GovConnect?"? Do you mean "Report Type"? He is selecting "New Pay Run/Full File Replacement. Below are the screenshots he is sending me:

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,738 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    No problems at all, thanks for confirming I'll move it over to the right category.

    Ok next up, yes by upload method in GovConnect I meant 'report type' so you've ticked that part off which is great. Just following this though, is the STP file being created as just a normal pay run file IN Reckon Accounts as well?

    The other thing I'd recommend checking is the GST branch number that the STP entity in GovConnect has been setup with and whether the company file in Reckon Accounts also has that same branch number set in the 'Company Information' section.

    Example below -

    You'll see that my STP entity below has been registered with my GST branch of 778 in GovConnect.

    And importantly, I have the same branch number listed in my Company Information section within Reckon Accounts.

  • Sharlien
    Sharlien Member Posts: 20 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thanks Rav :-) Yes, I believe the STP file is being created just as a normal pay run in Reckon Accounts (Enterprise). I will get my client to check on the branch ID matter in GovConnect & within Reckon Accounts and see if that helps, I will get back to you, thanks so much.

  • Sharlien
    Sharlien Member Posts: 20 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hello Rav - success! My client has managed to get the STP working, thanks so much! Next question - what would be the quickest & easiest way for him to lodge STP for the full 2022 year? Can he create a .json file out of Reckon Accounts for the whole year and just lodge that, then follow the finalisation process for that year? Are there some instructions you could send us a link to for both of these? Thank you :-)

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,738 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Good stuff, glad to hear that part is sorted 👍

    In regard to your other question, Single Touch Payroll is reported on a Year to Date basis only. I assume your client has been creating regular pay runs so if they send through the submission for the latest pay run it will automatically update the Year to Date balances as they stand now.

    Once that is complete, they can send through an EOFY finalisation. Instructions for creating and sending through an EOFY submission are linked in the guide below -

  • Sharlien
    Sharlien Member Posts: 20 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thank you Rav!! You've been very very helpful :-)