How do I edit a client's details in ReckonGovConnect?

Cheryl Medley
Cheryl Medley Member Posts: 137 Reckoner Reckoner

I am trying to set up a new client who is using Reckon Hosted for payroll to me as the advisor so that I can 'share' the STP reports. (Not the correct wording but I'm sure I'll get there!). I have unfortunately put my details into her set up instead of the business's details. I can add me as the advisor but then because I've put my e-mail address in as hers, the report won't go from her account in Hosted. I probably shouldn't have attempted this job today....! Cheers


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Cheryl

    Just to clarify, the STP entity has already been created in GovConnect for the ABN in question, correct?

    If so, has that been created by the client in their own account OR have you created it in your own account?

    Also, if you can let me know the ABN, it'll give me a better idea on how things have been setup currently 🙂

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  • Cheryl Medley
    Cheryl Medley Member Posts: 137 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited May 2023

    I was trying to 'share' her stp reporting with my window. I have done it for her husband (you fixed that one up for me before as the previous bookkeeper had it all set up in her name), but Riti has set up a new business in her name, so everything is brand new. The ABN is 60908898837. I thought I had to set her up in my portal first as I had done with his, but maybe that's my first mistake.

    I put in her ABN, which I verified so it's come up in her name. The Software ID is <removed>. But from there it comes up with my e-mail address, my phone, etc.

    Do I need to set new ones up in my portal first? I'm totally unclear on this bit. But if you can sort her for me, that will be great.

    Her details:

    <removed by Admin>

    If there's anything else I need to tell you, please let me know.


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Cheryl

    I've edited your reply above as it contains personal contact info that is probably best not shared on the public forum 🙂

    I thought I had to set her up in my portal first as I had done with his, but maybe that's my first mistake.

    Yes I think the above is where things might be going wrong.

    I've had a look at the ABN and I can see that its currently registered under your own account. Due to that, you won't be able to 'share' it with yourself since it already belongs to your account.

    The usual process (and best practice) is that the client creates the STP entity in their own account and shares it with you. You can then nominate yourself as the advisor that will send STP submissions on their behalf after its been shared.

    Just something extra to note, you've registered the ABN with branch number 200.. is that, correct? ie. does this ABN actually have a GST branch number of 200 associated with it?

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  • Cheryl Medley
    Cheryl Medley Member Posts: 137 Reckoner Reckoner

    Activity statement 002 MATAINAVORA, RITIASA M

    This is what comes up when I click on her details in my list.

    So I've been dyslexic again! 002 and not 200. Just to add to my problems.

    I understand what you are saying, but unfortunately, Riti has left everything for me to do. Normally there is no drama but because I have set her account up within her husband's account in Reckon Hosted, so that they can be connected, I am not under control as this is a new experience for me.

    Setting her up was extremely difficult too. She isn't registered for GST so for me to get her STP reporting done I first tried adding her to my profile. For some reason, the ATO/TPB has changed Burdekin Book-Keeping Services from BAS agent to Tax Agent. My boss was given the Tax Agent with restrictions initially so that I could continue doing the work, but she has now been upgraded to full Tax Agent. She's a lawyer with a Commerce degree and no time to do the CPD hours that's required to be done. As a result, from 1 July, BBS is going to be taken over by an active accountant so all the ABN, etc, etc, details will change. I'm hoping that people further up the ladder can figure all of legals and changes out and I'll just wait to be told what to do next.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Ok, I've deleted the existing registration you've created in your account with the branch number 200. The next time you login to GovConnect you'll notice its gone.

    Now, the ABN will need to be registered to GovConnect again (with the correct branch number).

    I'm not sure whether you want to have a conversation with her to at least set up the STP entity herself and then share it with you or whether you just want to register it into your own account as before but either way, before any STP submissions can take place for this ABN, it'll need to registered again into GovConnect and the software ID registered with the ATO.

    Just something to note, if you register the ABN in your own account and at any stage later down the track Rita wants to take ownership/control of it eg. remove it from your account into her own for example, it will require a signed statutory declaration.

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  • Cheryl Medley
    Cheryl Medley Member Posts: 137 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thank you. But before I do all that again, will her STP reporting go directly from Reckon Hosted to my portal? When I do her husband's reporting, it exits from his Hosted account and finds it's way to my portal but in the 'share with me' part.

    My portal is set up for the payrolls that I do through Reckon Payroll Premier (desktop). When I do the pays, I export the report to where it goes to my CDrive, into QPRollV31 and into EXPORT. Everything uploads from there when I go into GovConnect.

    Since Riti's accounts are in Hosted with Nui's (husband), it is automatically trying to find it's way to me. I have another client whom I set up years ago in Hosted. I set up his reporting in his name so it's straight forward. But with Riti's seems to be following the lead for when I do Nui's reporting. His is set up in his name and I got the 'sharing with me' thing done and it all works fine.

    Am I able to set Riti up differently? I can give you Nui's details to log into his Reckon Hosted account if you want it - ? It has all been set up by the previous book keeper so I am following the leader. Riti uses Nui's accounts to, hence my setting her up under his banner.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    I'm assuming you've created a new company file in Reckon Accounts Hosted for Riti, correct?

    When you create an STP submission in Riti's company file in Hosted and then export it, it should open up your Reckon Portal account where you can select Riti's STP entity in GovConnect.

    The other method with a few more clicks is to create the STP submission in Hosted, download it to your PC and then send it to GovConnect separately ie. open up GovConnect in a different tab on your browser.

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  • Cheryl Medley
    Cheryl Medley Member Posts: 137 Reckoner Reckoner

    And I'll give it another go tomorrow. The ATO will be in bed by now so I won't get the ID recorded. Thank you again, and my apologies for being so dumb when it comes to technology.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    No need to apologise Cheryl. That's what this Community for, helping each other out 🙂

    Let me know how you get on either way.

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  • Cheryl Medley
    Cheryl Medley Member Posts: 137 Reckoner Reckoner

    I'm back. I tried ringing the ATO number that's on the 'Register Software ID' to register the number but the 1300 852 232 number isn't connected. Do you have another number I can call?

    I've done this week's payrun and the STP report went to my portal, but I got the message to check the ABN and branch no. that it matches the payroll info. Will that be because I haven't registered the ID yet?

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Cheryl

    The number we have on hand for the ATO to register a software ID is the one you've specified; 1300 852 232. Its also listed on the ATO's 'Contact Us' page -

    A bit odd that its not connecting. If you've got access to the ATO Access Manager you can use that to register the Software ID and there's info from the ATO on how to do that below -

    I've done this week's payrun and the STP report went to my portal, but I got the message to check the ABN and branch no. that it matches the payroll info. Will that be because I haven't registered the ID yet?

    In regard to the above, its unlikely this is related to the Software ID not being registered. Where did this message appear? In GovConnect? Can you post a screenshot of the exact error message.

    I'm just taking a stab at the moment but I'd say its likely related to a mismatch in data between what is listed in the file in Reckon Accounts Hosted vs the STP entity you've setup in GovConnect.

    Do you have the correct information entered in the Company Information section in Hosted. Specifically, the ABN, GST branch, legal information etc (see example below) and also, does it match the STP entity that you've created in GovConnect?

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  • Cheryl Medley
    Cheryl Medley Member Posts: 137 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited May 2023

    These are the screen prints. I did try it with putting my e-mail into the Reckon Hosted account details but it didn't work that way either.

    When I set Riti's file up in the portal, it doesn't give me the option to put her e-mail address in, it all just comes up with my details as her 'tax agent'. Should I delete her from my client list in my Access Manager portal? But then I can't connect her to me, I don't think.

    When I did the STP report in Hosted, it did go to my GovConnect portal. Just won't accept the upload.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    What is the specific error message that is appearing for you when you attempt to upload the STP submission in GovConnect? Can you post a screenshot of that as well.

    Also, when you say it won't accept the upload, are you able to get up to the point where it the submission appears in GC like the below example?

    Perhaps it might be worth having a chat with our technical support team just so we can have a technician perform a remote support session and check over the full setup for both the file and STP entity.

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  • Cheryl Medley
    Cheryl Medley Member Posts: 137 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited May 2023

    I get all the way to 'upload'. I've downloaded the report from Hosted and I click on that download to try and upload it. I think you can see the file in the bottom left hand corner.

    I've saved the report in Hosted as STP.Jason.Kebabs to keep it separate from the others in the 'Q' section.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Ok, I think I see the problem. In the legal information fields in the Company Information screen within Hosted, you've got TABAYMOSS KEBAB as the legal name for this entity whereas, the legal name is actually MATAINAVORA, RITIASA MURIKANAKA as shown in GovConnect.

    You need to update this in Hosted to accurately reflect the legal name of the entity. Once that is done, recreate the STP .json file (this is important) and then send it through GovConnect again. It should work this time around 🤞

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  • Cheryl Medley
    Cheryl Medley Member Posts: 137 Reckoner Reckoner

    Of course! There's always an easy answer that I can't see.

  • Cheryl Medley
    Cheryl Medley Member Posts: 137 Reckoner Reckoner

    I've had success with this fix up in that the STP reports are being accepted into my portal. The error notice came up and it's about registering the ID. But I cannot find where to go within Access manager to advise ATO of the ID number. The instructions are clear, but I can't find My hosted SBR software services and the box that says 'click here Cheryl' within my portal. I'll try again tomorrow.

  • Cheryl Medley
    Cheryl Medley Member Posts: 137 Reckoner Reckoner

    Morning, Rav. I came up with a plan last night but it didn't work this morning. I thought if I deleted her from my 'tax agent portal', I could add her as a Payroll only client. It seems she's not registered for Payroll (???/!!!) so I can't do that either. So I am going to just leave things be and when it's end of financial year, I'll find her an accountant and let them sort the PAYG. In the meantime, I'll continue with payroll and paying supers for her employees. Thank you again for your advice and help. Cheers. Cheryl

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hey there Cheryl, really sorry that I can't help too much with this aspect of it as its on the ATO side rather than ours 😔.

    With that said, if you give the ATO a buzz I'm sure they'll be able to assist in getting your Software ID registered. If the main phone number that they have listed (1300 852 232) doesn't work then perhaps try another one of their contact points via their Contact Us page here -

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  • Cheryl Medley
    Cheryl Medley Member Posts: 137 Reckoner Reckoner

    Yes, I figured it was on their side of things. That first number is still listed on their website, but I did write down another number that I picked up on my round Robin trip. But I've spent (wasted) a lot of time trying to set her up with them and it just doesn't work so I'll leave it alone for now and get on with the others that I know what I'm doing with! Thank you again for your help. I know it's difficult trying to fix a problem that isn't within your control.