Personal Plus has stopped working. Can you please advise me ?
Updates not working for last few days and now cannot get the app to work.
What is happening specifically? Are you encountering a particular error message? If so, what is it?
Where is the issue occurring? When you launch the software?, when you attempt to update share prices? etc etc
Have you closed the software in full, restarted your PC and then tried again after that? Any change after doing so?
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The share prices will not update since May 5th. The same problem a number of other members are experiencing.
Also, the App will now not open the program.
I have tried restarting the PC.
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In regard to share prices, the availability of share price data was delayed on a couple of occasions earlier this week which resulted in updates not coming through as usual. This has since been resolved and share price data is updating as normal.
In regard to your software not opening, are you launching it from a desktop shortcut or from the entry within the Start menu? Is there an error message appearing? If so, what is it? What is actually happening? ie. is the software showing in the taskbar after you attempt to launch it?
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