RECKON Payroll App EOFY 21/22 Report allocates pay into 22/23

GraSalReckon Member Posts: 17 Novice Member Novice Member
edited January 3 in Reckon Payroll πŸš€

At the time of the issue I'm expressing, I was using the free Payroll App but have signed up for the paid subscription. What you will read below doesn't make sense Early this week I lodged a help ticket with Reckon with no response.

In FY 21/22 for the April to June 2022 quarter I was finally able to pay myself a salary and also pay the appropriate 10% superannuation for the amount. Both screenshots "PAYRUNS" and "Payrun April to June 2022 Report" clearly support this.

The problem is the screenshot "EOFY 21/22 Report (my name)" doesn't show the $ amount in Total Gross Pay, only the Superannuation. The Gross Pay item has populated in 22/23, and "EOFY 22/23 Report (my name)". How can this be that the Payruns and the EOFY reports are contradicting each other? I need this rectified as It's been reported to the ATO as "Not Tax Ready" in 22/23 and my own MyGov account looks incorrect.

Anyone, please help. I have screenshots of everything. I'm very new to this as I've had to do a payslip as it's only been my wife and myself. Kind regards, Graeme


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @GraSalReckon

    What is the pay date that you entered for this specific pay run?

    The pay date is the determining factor on where a pay run belongs, more info in this article HERE.

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  • GraSalReckon
    GraSalReckon Member Posts: 17 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Rav. Thank you for responding. The pay date (which was an amendment) was 30th June 2022.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited July 2023

    Thanks Graeme

    Just to clarify though, when you say it was an amendment do you mean that it had a different pay date at some point and then you later edited it to 30 June 2022? If that's the case, did it ever have a pay date that fell in the 2022/23 financial year?

    I have a feeling I know what's happened and how it can be fixed but I'll just wait for your confirmation.

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  • GraSalReckon
    GraSalReckon Member Posts: 17 Novice Member Novice Member

    No, it was the same pay date (30th June). I initially lodged my report with zero dollars as I hadn't paid myself any salary and then in September while doing my tax my accountant advised me of withheld funds in the company I had to declare for the 30th June and therefore amend my submission and also pay Superannuation. I therefore amended the submission, but still for the 30th June.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Ok thanks for confirming that Graeme. Its not quite what I was thinking as it turns out.

    With that said, I do have a suggestion. I think we'll need to force the app to refresh your pay run so that its triggered to reallocate the balance of that pay run (hopefully that makes sense).

    Can you do me a favour and edit this particular pay run again and change something about it temporarily ie. maybe set the pay date to 29 June 2022 and then mark it as paid again.

    Once that is done, check the YTD Summary in the employee profile for the respective financial year, is it now correct? ie. has the balance of that of that pay run been 'removed' from the 2022/23 year?

    If not, you may need to change a component in the pay run eg. remove an earnings item then mark the pay run as paid. Re-edit the pay run to re-add the earnings item and mark the pay run as paid again. Before we go down that road though try out the above first and hopefully that gets you back on track.

    Would be keen to hear how you get on.

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  • GraSalReckon
    GraSalReckon Member Posts: 17 Novice Member Novice Member

    Thanks Rav. I'll let you know how I go. I've just had a long "deep & meaningful" discussion with my accountant about this. Regards. Graeme

  • GraSalReckon
    GraSalReckon Member Posts: 17 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Rav, problem solved! Although the App wouldn't let me change any dates, I just resubmitted and to my surprise everything realigned to the correct financial years. I then went into MyGov & MyGovId to check everything and I'm very happy. Many thanks you for your interest and guidance. Regards, Graeme

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Excellent work Graeme, glad that is solved πŸ‘

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