EOFY balances aren't matching

System Member Posts: 251 Moderator Moderator
edited January 3 in Reckon Payroll πŸš€
This discussion was created from comments split from: EOFY YTD Figures Incorrect/Over.


    KAREN G MICHEL Member Posts: 6 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2023


    All my payroll reports are correct and match my records but when I went to do EOFY submission the totals are all wrong. I noticed that the totals included all the totals from last Payroll of 2022. I went in as you instructed to the last query and edited that last payrun by changing the date from 30/06/22 to 29/06/22 and resubmitted. Its made no difference to EOFY figures. What am I doing wrong??

    In the App whilst checking the figures in EOFY report there isnt any options to do an adjustment. If i go back and adjust the figures in the last payrun wont that make the payroll report wrong. EOFY doesnt look like this on my app

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,209 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager


    Can you let me know where specifically you're noticing your EOFY balances aren't correct? ie. is it when you're creating the EOFY finalisation or after its been sent?

    When you look at the YTD Summary of each employee in their profile, does it show the correct balances? ie. do those balances match what they should be in reality?

    Also in regard to that screenshot, can I ask where you got that from? I could be mistaken but I believe that is our old STP App which has been decomissioned for a long while now.

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    KAREN G MICHEL Member Posts: 6 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav

    In the Reports Tab - I checked the totals against my records. They are all correct however when I begin to create EOFY finalisation those figures are incorrect. ie - GM total gross pay states $18,868.00 in EOFY but he actually earned $18,512.00. He normally earns $356 gross/week. It seems all the employees have an extra pay or I have missed a pay run somewhere

    The YTD Summary of each employee in their profile matches EOFY but do not match the Payroll report except 2 employees that started this financial year

    There doesnt seem to be anywhere to do a adjustment in EOFY report

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,209 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited July 2023


    Just to clarify, when you say the payroll report, are you looking at the Payroll Summary Report for the 2022/23 financial year?

    In essence, the payroll summary report, YTD Summary in the employee profile and EOFY finalisation should all match and show the same balances for a given financial year period so its a tad strange that you've mentioned its not πŸ€”

    When you look at the individual pay runs over the financial year, have they all been entered correctly for each employee? ie. are there any pay runs that are incorrect in terms of the pay items and/or earnings used for the employee in the pay run?

    Edited 21/7: correction required.

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    KAREN G MICHEL Member Posts: 6 Reckoner Reckoner

    Payroll Summary Report for 2022-2023 was for 52 weeks. Figures in both EOFY finalisation & YTD Summary in the Employees Profile are the same but Payroll Summary Report differs. Its like an extra week has been added to EOFY finalisation & YTD summary.

    I will go through each Payrun over the 12 months to figure where the problem is but the payroll summary report matches monies paid out in wages so ???

    KAREN G MICHEL Member Posts: 6 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav

    Well I have checked all my 52 pay runs. They are are all correct & figures match Pay Roll Summary Report for 2022-2023. All entries for each employee have been entered correctly in terms of the pay items - earnings are all listed ordinary. The Pay Roll Summary Report is identical to my own records and matches exactly the PAYGW/Tax Paid and Ordinary wages of each employee.

    The 22/23 YTD Summary in employee profile and EOFY Finalisation match but the figures are not the same as those in Pay Roll Summary Report.

    So what am missing here

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,209 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Ok, I think I may have an idea of what might be happening here.

    • The Payroll Summary Report will show you the balances of all pay runs that the employee has been included in within the specified time period.
    • The YTD Summary and EOFY finalisation on the other hand is an accumulation of ALL PAY RUNS βž• ANY INITIAL YEAR TO DATE that has been entered for the employee(s) within the specific financial year. There's more info on this HERE.

    If you have entered any initial YTD balances for an employee in their profile this will be added to the balance of the pay runs that the employee is in and that is the total balance that will be shown to you in the YTD Summary and EOFY finalisation.

    I've created an example below which hopefully illustrates what I mean -

    I've added $100.00 Ordinary earnings and $100.00 Super Guarantee to the Initial YTD for this employee in their profile.

    I've then created a pay run for this employee of $1000.00 Ordinary Earnings and $110.00 Super Guarantee.

    If I check the Payroll Summary Report, it will show the balances of that above pay run -

    However the total that is reflected in the YTD Summary for this employee is the total of the pay run + initial YTD balance I added for them.

    Essentially, the YTD Summary (and by extension EOFY finalisation) is the 'source of truth' so to speak when it comes to the TOTAL balances for the employee as it takes into account both the pay runs + initial YTD balance. Hopefully that makes sense and hasn't confused the issue more.

    So, I guess the next question is, have you entered any initial YTD balances for your employee(s) and if so, are they required?

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    KAREN G MICHEL Member Posts: 6 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav

    I have checked all my 52 pay runs. They are are all correct & figures match Pay Roll Summary Report for 2022-2023. All entries for each employee have been entered correctly in terms of the pay items - earnings are all listed ordinary. TheΒ Pay Roll Summary ReportΒ is identical to my own records and matches exactly the PAYGW/Tax Paid and Ordinary wages of each employee.

    I have 8 employees and 2 have only started 22/23 financial year. Their payment summary matches the EOFY submission exactly. The other 6, are long term employees & I have not knowingly entered any initial YTD balances for them. Also last EOFY submission (21/22 financial year) I did not have this imbalance for any of them. So why has this occurred this year ?

    I had a look at each employee YTD for initial YTD 22/23 balances prior to pay runs started as I was told you can zero the amounts and that may solve the problem. There is nothing listed for any of the employees under initial YTD 22/23 or 21/22 year. But I did go through and ZERO initial YTD earnings on all.

    Makes no difference to figures

    On EOFY: 3 Employees figures are the same amount over

    2 employee figures are also exactly the same amount over

    What do you recommend I do now

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,209 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited July 2023

    I have checked all my 52 pay runs. They are are all correct & figures match Pay Roll Summary Report for 2022-2023.

    That's correct, as I mentioned above the payroll summary report will match the totals of all pay runs marked as paid (only). It will not take into account, reflect or display any other balances that have been added to an employee ie. via the initial YTD for example. This is why the balances you see in the payroll summary report can be different to the balances in the YTD Summary and/or EOFY finalisation. That side of it is normal and not unexpected.

    Now with that said you've also mentioned the below -

    I had a look at each employee YTD for initial YTD 22/23 balances prior to pay runs started as I was told you can zero the amounts and that may solve the problem. There is nothing listed for any of the employees under initial YTD 22/23 or 21/22 year. But I did go through and ZERO initial YTD earnings on all.

    So no employees at all had any balances added to them via the Initial YTD screen? (prior to you adding zero to them) ie. they only had pay runs created for them throughout the financial year so the only balances that should be attributed to them are only those coming from the pay runs?

    If that's the case then something doesn't sound right. I'll need a few more details in order to take this any further with my dev team for a bit more of an investigation.

    • The ABN you have registered to your Reckon Payroll account
    • A breakdown of the employees and the variation in their balances ie. List each employee this is affecting and what component eg. earnings, tax super etc is not what you expect, and how much their balance is out by.
    • Screenshots of your payroll summary report and the EOFY finalisation screen
    • Screenshots of the initial YTD screen for the employee(s)

    Can you please send the above to me in a private message and I'll put it together and send it to the devs for a closer look.

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