Error: where an income stream collection is present, PAYGW amount must be provided
Member Posts: 14 Reckoner
Error with submitting EOFY
error, not being able to lodge EOFY
0 -
Hi Robin
The first thing to check in relation to this is the setup of your pay runs and/or employee information, specifically any initial YTD balances that have been entered. As a first step, check the following -
- Any pay runs where an employee has been included but contains 0 values.
- Check for any initial YTD entries where there is 0 only entered.
If there is anything entered like this then there should be some value against PAYG as well.
Let me know how you get on.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! 🎅🎆
I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.
If you're working through the holiday period, we've got support available and you'll find our holiday hoursHERE.
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