cannot process pays after migrating to STP2

KarenR Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member

I'm stuck in a loop and cannot process payruns as I get an error msg: "InterimSTP2EmploymentTypeld can only be used on STP version1. Super fund needs to be linked a super contract." The bot did not help at all.


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @KarenR

    Are any of your employees missing a super fund in their profile? I've put together a few steps below which I believe should solve this for you 👇

    Check if the Default Super Fund exists in your Reckon Payroll by going to Settings ➡ Superannuation Funds.

    If it doesn't, please create the default super fund.

    Click the Create Superannuation Fund button ➡ APRA regulated ➡ Enter 'Default' in the Fund Name field then select the Default Super Fund option that appears in the list ➡ Create

    Once you've done that go to your employees and click on Step 4 - Other Details and scroll to the superannuation section.

    Change the assigned super fund the employee has to the default super fund you've just created. Then, update any other details you need to such as phone number, email address, DOB etc etc and save the employee profile.

    Once it has saved successfully, you can go back and change the employee's superfund back (if required).