ReckonPayments Connection Fail

I've tried to connect my books with ReckonPayments (Novatti Payments) but when I click on the Finish button, It immediately displays the following dialog window.
When I contacted Novati, they eventually, after sending some debug info from the webpage, said that I didn't meet their "Risk" criteria. Considering that this dialog window was displayed immediately on submission, I find it difficult to believe there was any "Risk Assessment" done in a millisecond.
Has anyone else experienced this? I'm waiting for a response for further information regarding my "Risk" score from Novatti
I'm not quite sure what's happened here but I've reached out to our friends at Novatti in relation to this. They'll be in contact with you directly to have a chat around the risk assessment aspect and how/why it failed.
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Hi @Rav ,
I have yet to receive any communication from Novatti regarding my inability to connect to ReckonPayments, it feels like they think I'm not worthy of their time or effort due to me being a Micro business with a very small turnover of payments.
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I'm disappointed to hear the Novatti team haven't been in contact with you as promised Barry, apologies for that.
Let me follow up with them again on this.
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Hi Barry
I've had a chat with the team and while I don't have the specific details of the conversation, I understand that Kaman from the Novatti team has previously been in touch with you directly in regard to the application and the circumstances around its failure.
If you have any further queries around this though, please reach out to the Novatti team directly and they'll be able to assist.
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Hi Rav,
Yes, they emailed me to advise that I failed to meet their criteria, but hasn't explained what criteria I failed to meet and considering the failure was instantaneous on clicking the "Submit" button. Find it difficult to believe that they can assess my risk instantaneously without any financial information being submitted on application