Suggested changes for Reckon Payroll

Libby Member Posts: 80 Reckoner Reckoner
edited January 3 in Reckon Payroll


There are a couple of things we do not have in Reckon Payroll that were handy in Payroll Premier.

  1. When in Pay Run process we are shown $ of gross, tax, super etc on the screen for all employees in the pay run, but it would be great to also have quantity of hours for each Pay Item. When double checking this would eliminate errors before Marking as Paid.
  2. Can we have a grouping/department for Employees, as we have different stores within the 1 company/ABN number, so we can print a Pay Summary Report with each employees for each store and a subtotal. Currently we have all employees alphabetically listed on a Payroll Summary Report with one total, so I then have to create my own spreadsheet and split them up. Using time I do not have? Reporting seems very limited.


  • Kali
    Kali Member Posts: 367 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Hi @Libby

    I have suggested the same. The missing equivalent to a 'custom pays report' with the breakdown of hours is a crucial one for us.

    We need to be able to double check employee hours before 'marking as paid'.


  • Libby
    Libby Member Posts: 80 Reckoner Reckoner

    It seems to be the little things that I miss. Having the ability to add the hours on 1 screen too is another one. Where you tab across to say Ordinary Hours, Time 1/2, Double time etc just the main ones. Saves so much time. Time is my big thing, I have very little these days.

  • Kali
    Kali Member Posts: 367 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    I completely understand Libby.

    I was under the understanding that the migration was going to streamline processes and be a step up from Payroll Premier; however, with less reporting options, multiple bugs, and lack of reporting options it's been the exact opposite. Very frustrating. I encourage you to send feedback to them as I will.

  • Libby
    Libby Member Posts: 80 Reckoner Reckoner

    Will do @Kali . I haven't been able to send my STP reports yet to the ATO as have a problem with my ABN Branch number. Worked fine before and yes it is taking me a a lot longer. Not age related either. LOL

  • Kali
    Kali Member Posts: 367 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Haha @Libby

    Hope it is sorted for you very soon.

    It's not related with changing the branch number from 1 to 001?

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,378 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Libby

    These are really good suggestions and something the Reckon Payroll product and design teams are on the lookout for.

    I'd highly recommend adding these and other feature requests you have that you think would make your experience in using the new Reckon Payroll solution better on our Ideas Portal here -

    The suggestions that are added to the Ideas Portal can be voted on by fellow users and the team look to this for future builds (where feasible).

    🎉 Get rewarded for contributing to the Reckon Community! Learn how you could get a $100 gift voucher each month HERE.

  • Angella
    Angella Member Posts: 37 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi @Libby

    There are so many things missing, an upgrade should be better than Payroll Premier but unfortunately it seems like its been a rush job and they've had to release it to make the deadline without testing it all out.

    It is missing alot of crucial things that Payroll Premier had.

    -Prepare Pays would be very beneficial to check the data before payroll processing. There is a similar report in the Reports section, however, the layout of the report is very hard. It does not allow you to sort into name order etc.

    -Reports should be able to be sorted such as into alphabetical surname order, by department etc.

    -A Pays Report should shows the hours paid

    -Leave Taken Report is a crucial report to have

    -A notes section and anniversary dates section would be ideal to keep track of employees and their details

    -A department and classification/award section. There is nowhere to show what the employees are classified as and the award rates etc. This would be beneficial when it comes to the yearly pay rate increase because it seems we will have to go into each employee and enter the new rates manually

    These are just some of the main things that are missing

  • Libby
    Libby Member Posts: 80 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi @Angella Yes I agree whole heartedly. You have mentioned some really crucial reports and information gathering items. I actually thought we had to have Classifications and Awards noted on Payslips?? I am sure there is more issues to find. If you look at @Rav response, there is an ideas section to put in suggestions. Hopefully this might help to put an stop to our growing frustrations, if this isn't a waste of more time.


  • Angela Edwards
    Angela Edwards Member Posts: 27 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi @Libby

    Everything that you and @Angella have suggested regarding this new payroll system is spot on. The custom reports which I thought would be migrated across from Payroll Premier and the time it takes to complete a payrun are two of my biggest bug bears.

    And I thought I was the only one who hasn't sent any STP reports to the ATO because of an issue with our branch number. I have been told that it's a technical glitch and they are working on it.

    The biggest thing I am missing is the generating of custom reports. I am attempting at the moment to generate a deductions report for Child Support and I can't get a report with this and only this information on it.

    We can only hope that these technical glitches are corrected soon, and they take all the suggestions on board

  • Libby
    Libby Member Posts: 80 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi @Angela Edwards

    I agree too. I migrated half way through September which is not going well.

    I am trying to do my end of month PAYG, Super and Workcover payments with half from Payroll Premier and the other half from Reckon Payroll oh that's right there aren't any. Sorry for my sarcasm but this is a nightmare. I don't know how I am going to reconcile at the end of the year.

    I am just venting.

    Lets hope all is resolved quickly.

  • Angela Edwards
    Angela Edwards Member Posts: 27 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi @Libby

    Your comment is exactly what I am going through at the moment. 2 reports from 2 different applications. The Payroll premier reports were easy to print out but it took me a while to try and find a report that could generate what i needed on the new app.

    So I'm now spending the day collating everything from both into one document so I can then do all the PAYG Payroll Tax and Child deductions for the last month.

    Love your sarcasm, we'll both be looking for an alcoholic beverage this afternoon. And heaven help us both when we attempt to balance and reconcile the end of the year - that's if I can send STP reports to the ATO.

    Have a great day :)

  • Libby
    Libby Member Posts: 80 Reckoner Reckoner

    Have a great day too @Angela Edwards