Tax File Number for Minor
In Payroll Premier I was able to use 333 333 333 for Minors who earn under the tax threshold and do not have a TFN
I have used this for new minor employees since moving to Payroll Premier but they are being deducted tax (at a higher rate)
Any minor employees that merged over from Payroll Premier are not being taxed (which is correct)
How do I avoid tax being deducted for these new minor employees?
Best Answer
What is the tax scale you've selected for these new employees?
I've just created a new employee with tax scale 2: tax free threshold claimed..
... and then created a test payrun with the below result. As you'll see there is no tax component calculated.
If you can give us a bit more info on the setup of the employee and the pay runs you're generating for them I think that will narrow down on what's occurring.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! 🎅🎆
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Hi @Rav
Thank you - An oversight on my behalf, I had the Tax Scale loaded incorrectly.
Thank you for taking the time to reply, I was able to pick up the error by referring to your answer
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