Terminated Employee and EOFY
I've just terminated an employee. Do I run an EOFY for this employee now, or do I wait till after 30th June to do this so that this employee will get the 'Tax Ready' status in their myGov ATO?
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Hi @kenl90
The majority of folks wait until they perform their full EOFY finalisation for all employees at the conclusion of the respective financial year however ultimately its up to you.
One thing to note though, if you decide to perform the EOFY finalisation for the terminated employee now then you'll just need to ensure that you only select that specific employee from the list and untick the others. Example screenshot below 👇
Thanks Rav.
So, once I go ahead and run EOFY finalisation for the terminated employee, can I still run another EOFY for all the other active employees post-30th. June?
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Yes you most certainly can 🙂
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