Annual Leave
Hi everyone. I have just migrated from Payroll Premier to the new Reckon Payroll. My client is in the hospitality industry and we calculate annual leave/personal leave on a 38 hour week, as it should be. Staff hours vary each week could be 45 hours one week could be 24 hours the other week - they are part time/permanent. If I calculate annual leave on the hours paid it will over calculate, if I calculate on the one pay, it could either over or under calculate, how is this fixed. Also super is calculated on every one, but if you are under 18 years of age and work less than 30 hours per week you don't get super - how is this treated. Help appreciated😊
Hi there @Amber Everingham
I might need a bit of guidance on this from you just so I have a better understanding so we can land on the right course of action if that's ok.
First up in regard to your leave setup, you can designate the leave accrual in the employee profile including their entitlement and the accrual rate as well. Based on what you've mentioned, the per time worked accrual period sounds like it should be the correct selection for your requirements. Any leave worked over the standard week will be calculated on a pro-rata basis.
Is the above not working for you? If so, can you let me know a bit more info around this.
Secondly in regard to super for under 18's working less than 30 hours per week, check out the info in the post linked below 👇
How do I handle super for under 18's working less than 30 hours per week in Reckon Payroll?
Let me know how you get on.
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