Reckon Mate only has our payslips up until August 2023. How do we get most recent data in there?

Hi Team,
Very excited that the Reckon Mate app is now live. However when our staff have set it up and logged in, the most recent information displayed is from 8th Aug 2023!!!
How can we get it to show all the missing info between then and now?
Thank you,
Hi there Belle,
Can I just check a couple of things.
Is this occurring for all employees when they access Reckon Mate or just one/a few? ie. Is there more than one employee unable to see the latest payslips?
Did you recently invite these employees to Reckon Mate or have they previously had an invite from some time ago?
Also, does the email address in their employee profile in Reckon Payroll match the email address on their Reckon Mate account?
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Hi Rav,
Yes several staff have the same problem. For one staff member we attempted to retract the invite then re-send the invite. That did not fix the problem.
Yes the emails in Payroll match the email in Mate. Staff can see their whole history prior to 8th Aug.
The date info is missing after looks to be around the same time as we updated to the new payroll?
Yes we did try to invite staff last year (24/8 and 15/11).
Thank you for your help!
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Thanks @Bellle, that does sound pretty odd so we might need to take a closer look into what's happening there.
Just checking though, all employees have the latest version of Reckon Mate installed correct? The current version is 2.0.46. If not, can I get you to please ensure they download the latest version from their respective app store and then log back in and confirm if the latest info appears for them?
If they're already on the latest version then can I get you to shoot me a private message with the following info 👇
- Email address of your Reckon Payroll book
- Email addresses of all employee Reckon Mate accounts that are experiencing this issue
- A screenshot of an employees Reckon Mate app where it shows the latest info is from August 2023, just the My Pay screen would be really helpful
- A screenshot of the Settings screen in Reckon Mate that shows the name & email address of the employee
Its likely that I'll need to send through an access request to the Reckon Payroll book so our dev team can further investigate.
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Hi Rav, thank you I'll put together that info and send through.
(yes all on 2.0.46)
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Hi @Bellle
Firstly, I'm really sorry at the delay at looking at this issue. The team have been kept really busy lately which has pushed a few things further out than what we'd like so I do apologise for that.
The good news is, the devs have conducted an investigation and have found the cause of the issue and are working on addressing it with a new update to the Reckon Mate app. From initial observations it sounds like its going to be a relatively straightforward fix but it just needs to go through testing and approval etc so I'll keep you posted on this.