Payslips not loading

is anyone else having trouble in reckon mate?
we are new to payroll. Have done two payruns. The first went through great. But ever since the second my team can’t get past the main dashboard. No payslips load. Just a spinning wheel and a message that this is taking longer than expected.
We have the latest iOS. We have the latest version of reckon mate. Have deleted the app and reinstalled it. Logged out, logged back in again. No joy.
Is this occurring for all the employees that you have invited to Reckon Mate or just a select one/few?
When you view the employee in Reckon Payroll, does it show that these employees have been invited to Reckon Mate?
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Yes all. The employee area says "Using Reckon Mate"
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Ok thanks for that. I've been doing a bit of testing in a couple of my Reckon Mate accounts but can't seem to replicate what you're experiencing.
Can I just clarify, are your employees able to reach the main screen as shown in my example screenshot?
If so, does the issue occur when they tap on a specific payslip?
Are they not even able to reach the main screen?
If so, can I get you to do me a favour and revoke the Reckon Mate invite for just one employee (in Reckon Payroll go to Settings ➡️ Reckon Mate invitations) and once that is done, re-invite them then ask the employee to login again.
Either way, please let me know how you get on.
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They can reach the main screen and see exactly as you have outlined in the screenshot, however if they try to tap on a pay slip to see the detail, they just get a spinning wheel.
I have revoked access to one employee and then re-established her access, and she still has the same problem.
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Ok thanks for doing that @sunnyblissbomb
I think I'll need to get my mobile team to investigate this a bit closer. I'll need to shoot through an access request to your Reckon Payroll book so can I please get you to shoot me the following details in a private message -
- Email address for your Reckon Payroll account (if different to the one your Community account is registered under)
- Names of the employees using Reckon Mate that are experiencing this issue
- Approx last date they were able to successfully access a payslip from Reckon Mate
- Name of the employee who you revoked access to and tried again without success
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My staff are also experiencing the same issue. Thought I would let you know, in case it's a system wide issue.
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Thanks for your report on this @Kristy
Can I just confirm, is it occurring for any payslip that your employees attempt to access from Reckon Mate?Can I also grab the above details from you as well so I can get this over to our mobile devs.
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Yes, the same as Sunnyblissbomb reported. We can see the home page but when choosing a payslip to look at, it gives us the same screen. Will do with the details.
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Is there any update on this, and do you need me to log a formal ticket? If others are experiencing the same thing, it sounds like it is a bug?
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I need the details from you outlined in my earlier reply here so I can take this to our devs for further investigation. At this stage we haven't been able to replicate this issue across a number of accounts we've tested so we'd like to take a closer look at your report.
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Hi folks
Just a quick update on this.
Our mobile team have had a preliminary look at this (thanks @sunnyblissbomb for sending through your info) and they've tracked down where the problem is stemming from.
We're getting the right folks to investigate further including what's required for a fix and once its solved it will apply for all Reckon Mate users.
I'll keep you posted with further news on this as soon as I receive it from the team.
Thanks for your reports on this and apologies for the hassle its causing at the moment.
In the meantime, I'd recommend sending payslips via the email option in Reckon Payroll, they'll still be delivered to your employee(s) to their nominated email address.
Let me know if you have any questions.
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Hi Rav,
Any update on the progress of this problem in Reckon Mate?
Thanks in advance
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Unfortunately its taken us a little longer than we would have liked to get this sorted and I do apologise for that. The dev teams have been kept really busy on a separate project which has caused some delays.
The good news is, the cause of the problem has been identified and there are a couple of areas that we're going to be looking at. The team are looking to include this in the current sprint so all going well (🤞) hopefully we'll have the fix rolled out toward the end of this month.
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Hi Rav, This issue is still occuring for all employees that have the app- when is it likely to be resolved I have 40 payroll clients all complaining that their employees cannot access their payslips. It is now a month since you posted that it was being looked into
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It's been nearly 2 months with no update! What is going on please?
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Unfortunately its taken us a little longer than we would have liked to get this sorted and I do apologise for that. The dev teams have been kept really busy on a separate project which has caused some delays.
Can I get you to confirm this is still occurring for all employees in the latest version of the Reckon Mate app?
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Hi - im new to the system & community. My Team appear to be having this same issue (clicking on selected payslip & spooling).
Also I appear to be sending the payslipf from the online system but they are not getting to the team. Ive sent myself an invite to the app and i dont receive a notification of payslip. I would be greatful for some hints or support on where to check the emails are being sent.
(Sorry if this question has been asked/answered in the past) TIA
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Hi Rav,
Do you have any update on this?
We are also facing same issue as none of our employees are able to view payslips in Reckon Mate.
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Will we have a resolution to this problem in under 3 months? August 11 will be 3 months. Just under 2 weeks. We moved our entire business to Reckon based on the strength of the payroll app after our previous payroll system bombed with their payroll app.
Less than a month after migrating this problem appeared. Can you PLEASE PLEASE fix this problem.
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Just so you know… every time I comment, I have already checked to make sure there are no app updates and if there are then I delete the app and reinstall it. Then I remove a user's access to Reckon Mate and reinvite them, and then I try to see if the problem is fixed.
It is not.
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Hi everyone
Apologies for my delay in getting back to you all, I've been away for a couple of weeks due to a family bereavement but am back on deck now.
I've checked in with the product dev team in regard to this and they've advised the fix for this issue is dependent on an infrastructure release that needs to happen first. This is currently being worked on as we speak and the current expectation is that it will pushed out within the next 2 weeks.
Once I have some firmer info around timelines and other details on the solution I'll share it with you here.
In the interim, sending payslips from Reckon Payroll directly will be sent as normal and delivered to your employee's nominated email address.
Thanks for your patience everyone, and apologies for the extended delay its taken to address this. I'll post a further update on this as soon as any further information is available.
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I am sorry to hear of your loss.
Thank you for the update. Does this mean that as soon as the infrastructure release occurs that this fix will be applied?
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@sunnyblissbomb Following the infrastructure upgrade, there will be a new Reckon Mate app release to your app store that follows which will carry the fixes. The infrastructure upgrade is the pre-requisite that needs to come through first but the good news is, the new app release is ready to go so will follow very shortly after.
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Hi everyone
I know its been a long time coming but I've just received indication from my dev team that the payslip issue in the Reckon Mate should now be resolved in both Android and iOS versions of the app.
Can you please give it go when you have a chance and confirm whether or not its successful for you now.
Look forward to hearing from you
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Hi folks
Just double checking if you had a chance to check if Reckon Mate is now working correctly for your employees?
Would be keen to hear how you get on.
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Yes it is all working now. I did reply to this, but apparently my reply was too short to publish. So here is a more verbose response to alert you to the fact that the payslips are now indeed working exceptionally well. Thank you for your efforts.
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Glad to hear @sunnyblissbomb! Thanks for your patience on this one 🙂