Cannot switch to Single User Mode as eInvoicing has company open - how can I close ?

Suzanne Bacic
Suzanne Bacic Member Posts: 8 Reckoner Reckoner

I am ready to upgrade to the 2024 version but cannot switch to Single User Mode as I keep getting the message: You cannot switch to single-user mode as eInvoicing has the company file open. How can I get eInvoicing to close the company file - I cannot see any Instructions or option to do that.

Best Answer


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited July 2

    Hi there @Suzanne Bacic

    Are you or any of your users currently sending invoices or performing invoicing tasks in Reckon Accounts Hosted or is everything ready to go in terms of upgrading to the 2024 version aside from this error message?

    I'm fairly certain I've found your account but can I get you to please shoot me a private message and just confirm the Hosted user ID/user name that you're encountering this message on.