Emails not sending
I send payslips every week and cc to my email address, and all is perfect except for one employee. It actually goes to the same email address as it comes from as it is the owner’s payslip. I have also sent a couple of reports from Reckon and again cc to me. I receive them but he never does. His is a hotmail address. I can see the email in the log
Morning Kris 🙂
Is this a new occurrence or have they never received emails to this particular email address?
They're not being diverted to the spam folder in their Hotmail inbox by any chance are they?
Could they perhaps try adding as a safe sender in their email service and then test again to see if it comes through?
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! 🎅🎆
I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.
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I don’t think they’ve ever received them, it wasn’t until I tried to send a report that I found out they weren’t going through. He has checked junk mail, I have also tried adding him as a cc along with my email and waiting to hear.
I’ll try your suggestion, thanks
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@Rav FYI - adding email to safe senders list seems to have worked
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