Reckon Mate - payslips not appearing

Last week I sent out links to all the staff to join Reckon Mate if they choose to. How long should it take for the payslips to appear and should the payslips prior to set up of Reckon Mate also appear? At the moment, no payslips are appearing and have completed a pay run. Leave accruals have updated correctly.
Hi @Therese R
Is this occurring to all employees who joined Reckon Mate following the invite you sent out or just a selected one/few?
Payslips should appear immediately in the Reckon Mate app including those from pay runs that were completed prior to the employee joining the Mate app.
Its important that they complete the sign-up completely including using the same email address for their Reckon Mate login as the email address you have listed for them in Reckon Payroll.
Also - are they on the latest version of the Reckon Mate app? The latest version is 2.0.46
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HI Rav
So far I have checked mine and one other employee and neither of us have the payslips showing so I am assuming this is the same for everyone. Yes - have checked that we are using the current version so would assume same for all given the invite was only made last week.
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Hi Therese R,
Thank you for your query.
If you are using version 2.0.46 , I have tested it on my end and found that the pay slip doesn't appear immediately after creating a pay run in Reckon Payroll while you are still logged in Reckon Mate. However, once you log off from Reckon Mate and log back in, the pay slip will be visible.
Please try logging off your Reckon Mate and log back in and see if that resolves the issue.
Let me know the outcome.
Kind regards,
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Hmm ok, that sounds a tad strange.
Are you able to send me a private message with the a screenshot of what is appearing in both your and your other employee's Reckon Mate app screen after logging in.
I'll also need to send through an access request to your book so we can take a closer look. I may need to get this over to my product dev team as well.
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Thanks Reeta & Rav - I signed out and back in but still no payslips.
Rav, of the employees that have downloaded the app, only one so far can see their payslips.
I will send you a screen shot via Private message via email.
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Thanks for that @Therese R
When it comes to the one employee who CAN see their payslips in the Reckon Mate app currently, is there anything different about them in comparison to the others? ie. are they using a different device/phone etc or does nothing really stick out?
Sorry for all the questions, just trying to narrow this down and/or find some commonality for our product team to investigate.
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HI Rav
No there doesn't appear to be. I confirmed he is using a Samsung phone which most of us use and he also confirmed that he had to search for the App in Google which is what I did too. We have a couple of people using Apple and that seems to be fine but no payslips. So no, nothing unusual.
Did you receive the screenshots?
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Ok no worries, thanks for that. Yes have received your screenshots as well.
I'm going to shoot through an access request to your book which will come through separately as an email to the email address of the book owner. Can I get you to please grant access when you can.
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HI Rav
I have granted the access for you. 😊
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Thanks for the all info @Therese R
I've put the details of this together into a case and sent it over to the mobile app product team to investigate. I'll keep you posted as soon as I hear back from them.
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Thanks Rav -much appreciated.
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Good morning Rav
Just letting you know that the employee that said they could access their payslips actually couldn't. He was a bit confused …….
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No worries, thanks for that @Therese R, I'll update the ticket with that info for the dev team.
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Hi @Therese R
Just an update on this one. My devs have had a look and it looks like they've found a bug that is causing this.
For some context, at the moment you have the automatic payments option unticked in your Reckon Payroll book. Due to this being unticked its causing payslips to not appear in the Reckon Mate app.
Ordinarily, this shouldn't have any impact however at this stage there looks to be a bug that is leading to this erroneous behaviour in the Mate app.
Ticking the Automatic Payments option in your Reckon Payroll book should allow payslips to appear in the Reckon Mate app.
⚠️ IMPORTANT - However please note, it will also have other effects. Specifically ticking this option will automatically generate a payment transaction in your companion Reckon One book under Day to Day ➡️ Money Out ➡️ Make PaymentThe team will be looking into this though to see why its occurring and how we can get it sorted.
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HI Rav
Okay. So if I don't use the Reckon One book as my day to day accounting package (we use Reckon Accounts hosted) then it has no other effect than to record the transaction into a liability or expense account ie it doesn't automatically try to make a payment from our bank account?
If it is going to be fixed, should I wait before enabling?
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That's correct, it only generates the payment transaction itself. It does not automatically deduct any payments from your actual bank account.
If it is going to be fixed, should I wait before enabling?
Unfortunately, I don't have any indication on when a fix for this could come through so at this stage it could take a little while.
If you're not using your companion Reckon One book and don't have any plans to do so since you're using Reckon Accounts Hosted then you're more than welcome to switch that setting on now rather than waiting.
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Okay - thanks Rav - I will enable for all employees and hopefully they can then see their payslips.
We notice that RDO's are not showing up in the leave accruals. Is there a way we can add them?
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Just to clarify, do you mean they're not showing in the Reckon Mate app itself?
Leave items other than the default annual leave and personal leave will appear in the Leave section in the Mate app. Check out an example from my test account below 👇
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HI Rav
Thank you - I have asked one of our employees to double check and the RDO's are there.
Apologies for this.
Kind regards
PS I have marked the payroll settings to as suggested for Automatic Payments but no payslips just yet. Maybe have to wait for the next payrun?
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Hmmm maybe, but can you do me a favour and log out of your Reckon Mate account and close the app down in full ie. swipe it away from the other apps that are currently running on your phone.
Once that is done, open Reckon Mate again and log back in.
Now that the option has been ticked, I'd expect the payslips to appear but it might just need a logout/login in order to fetch the information.
Let me know how you get on.
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HI Rav
I am not sure what you mean by
swipe it away from the other apps that are currently running on your phone.
So I first moved the location of the app and signed in and out and in again - no luck. Then I uninstalled the app and reinstalled it - still no payslips.
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Sorry about that Therese, what I was referring to was to close the app from running in the background on your phone.
You can do this on most iPhone and Android phones by swiping it away from running apps such as my generic example on the left.
The process can vary a little depending on the model of phone and/or version of operating system the phone has.
Regardless though, it doesn't look to be related to this so I've added a bit more info below.
I've just had another word with the mobile devs about this. Apologies, there's one other step that they missed telling me about initially. Sorry about that! 😔
Now that the Automatic Payments option has been ticked, you also need to 'refresh' the pay runs so that the pay run data will be flagged with that new setting. All you need to do is switch the pay runs to draft status and then re-mark it as paid. I've attached an example below 👇
Alternatively, if you'd rather not do that then payslips will start appearing in the Reckon Mate app from the next new pay run you create after the Automatic Payment setting is switched on. Unfortunately, it won't display the payslips from the pay runs that were created when the Automatic Payment setting was disabled.
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HI Rav
Okay thanks for the tips. I will refresh yesterdays pay run only so that the employees will atleast receive that one and going forward, hopefully will occur automatically.
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No worries, let me know if this still gives you any trouble.
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HI Rav
That seems to have worked. Had to log in and out again though.
Will let our team know.
Thanks for the help. 😊
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Hi @Therese R
Just checking in to see if your other team members were able to access their payslips from the Reckon Mate app following the above?
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HI Rav
Thanks for following up. Yes they were able to access their payslip for the pay run last Monday. I let them know that they won't see the past payslips but new payruns will show up.
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Awesome! Thanks for confirming Therese 👏
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Hi @Therese R
I just wanted to loop back to this one for a final update of sorts.
Reckon Mate has received an update today to version 2.0.63 which includes an enhancement that will allow payslips to appear regardless of the Automatic Payment setting being ticked or unticked in your Reckon Payroll settings. I'd highly recommend all your employees download this latest version as it contains a number of fixes and enhancements.
Just wanted to let you know in case you wanted switch the Automatic Payment setting off now that its resolved. If not you're more than welcome to keep it as-is.
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Thanks for following up Rav. Have updated the app today and can see all payslips now.