Moving from desktop Premier to hosted. Cost and performance?

Ian_8365621 Member Posts: 14 Reckoner Reckoner

We are contemplating moving to hosted so that integration to web site can be made easier.

Am I understanding correctly the cost per year per user is $940.00? So we will go from last years cost of $1,340.00 for 5 users, to $4,700.00.

What is the hosted speed like. I previously avoided it because it was reported to be too slow but has it improved? Our current file size is 850MB with 11K names and 7.7K items.


  • cosmic
    cosmic Reckon Developer Partner Posts: 1,125 Reckon Legend Reckon Legend

    In my experience , i found if the total file size is above 1.2GB for RAH , things get sluggish. Cosmic has done few rollovers with company with their file size reaching as stated. They are too happy to do this rollover setting another "New data file "

    A another user has Desktop with over $120M TURN OVER I will not advice them to move to RAH, their file size is over 1.3GB . They dont seems to be have any issues on Desktop. And the company is rapidly growing .

    Cosmic Accounting Group

    Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,664 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Ian_8365621

    Do you perform regular maintenance on your data file? What is your internet connection speed like?

    Hosted is the highest edition of the Reckon Accounts range and operates on a terminal server environment. When it comes to some features it does things a little differently when compared to what you may be used to in the desktop editon such as email, uploading/downloading etc which you'll need to aware of.

    My recommendation would be for you to take out a trial for Reckon Accounts Hosted then upload a copy of your existing QBW file to it so you can give it a test drive.

    If you have questions around any of this, let us know.


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  • Ian_8365621
    Ian_8365621 Member Posts: 14 Reckoner Reckoner

    No, I do a poor job of database management. I'm sure it could be reduced.

    We are on 100Mbps / 35Mbps internet.

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